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First of the autumn flowers:Cyclamen graecum in the rock garden,cheersfermi
Mercy! That seeded well last year, didn't it?
Cyclamen coum ex 'Quaker Pearl' from Cyclamen Society seed sown in 2014. There are two different leaves in the pot. I assume the silvery one is the correct one . (Attachment Link)
I have copied the above post from another thread, the post is seeking further information about the possible whereabouts of the late, and much missed, Jan Bravenboer's Cyclamen collection which the poster believes was sent to the UK after Jan's death. He/she is particularly interested in obtaining seeds from Jan's C. purpurascens.Can anyone help please?
Я скопировал выше пост из другой темы, пост нуждается в дополнительной информации о возможном местонахождении поздно, и скучал, цикламен коллекции января Брэвенбоер, который считает, плакат был отправлен в Великобританию после смерти Яна. Он/она особенно заинтересована в получении семян от C. purpurascens Яна.Может кто-нибудь помочь пожалуйста?
Dear David! Many thanks to you for wanting to help! I found information about the cyclamen of Jan. The entire collection of cyclamen plant Jan Bravenbauer is now taken care of by Hines Joe, Joe holds the National Cyclamen Collection in England.
Cyclamen mirabile ex Tilebarn Nicholas is just starting in our shadehouse