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I'd suggest G. fosteri Mariette.
Good grief - I'm getting fussy about snowdrops ! Saints preserve me!
... it is certainly a desirable one...will check to see if I can match it.
First Goatee Green Tip from Andy Byfield. This has proved not only a striking addition to his range but a great garden plant. Wonderful dark green inner mark and a pleasing shape. The trick with Andy is to get him to make them more available!
Hello, Apologies as a newbie for butting in,
I'd say it's one of my current favourites - early (before Christmas), large, but in proportion to foliage, broad leaves, but with slightly turned margins, 2 flower scapes per bulb. And it seems vigorous, at least here. Very bold inverted heart shape and distinct green lines on the outer tips, visible inside the tips Any name ideas would be most welcome
The flowering before Christmas is great and it has lovely marks so I am sure it must be known - perhaps Steve Owen will know?