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Codonoprasum nerinifolium from Siberia. I cannot find anything on the internet about this wonderful late blooming allium
However, S t e a r n(1978) stated that the chromosome number could vary from 2n = 16, 24, 32, and in somekaryotypes the B-chromosomes (1-4) were described. The present investigation was additionally initiated by the work of R a d ić (1989) who described the populations from the MtBiokovo region investigated herein under the name A. incensiodorum. The plants in thesepopulations differ in certain morphological characteristics and in flowering time from theoriginal species, A. senescens ssp. montanum. In A. incensiodorum the pedicels are ribbedand scabrid with papillae of very different sizes, the leaves are slightly ribbed and angularabove, and perianth is stellate, having segments with large pepillae especially on the keel(R a d ić 1989). This onion flowers in the summer. In our work we used the name A.senescens ssp. montanum despite the fact that G r e g o r y et al. (1998) in Alliorum Nomen-caltor accepted the name A. incensiodorum proposed by R a d ić ( 1989) as a synonym.