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Author Topic: Cally Gardens - the future  (Read 8003 times)

Maggi Young

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Re: Cally Gardens - the future
« Reply #15 on: February 18, 2019, 12:30:35 PM »
Kevin Hughes, owner of Cally Gardens, talks about his desire to clear the woods of this invasive species, working with the Fleet Valley Volunteers.

Margaret Young in Aberdeen, North East Scotland Zone 7 -ish!

Editor: International Rock Gardener e-magazine

ian mcdonald

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Re: Cally Gardens - the future
« Reply #16 on: February 18, 2019, 02:30:56 PM »
From experience of Rhododendron clearance at the local site and talking to those carrying out the work it is necessary to paint the cut branches and stumps as soon as they are cleared with Glyphosate. This may be needed for three years after clearing. If the stumps are left to re-grow, spraying will be needed for three years.

Maggi Young

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Re: Cally Gardens - the future
« Reply #17 on: February 20, 2019, 01:14:31 PM »
Cally Event  3rd March 2019

Join Kevin Hughes on a one off tour of the amazing and exotic plant collection at Cally Gardens. Kevin, who has only been the custodian of Cally since May 2018, says that the tour will also feature the changes that he has made already at Cally Gardens. The tour which will last around 1 hour will look at the many challenges ahead for the Cally team, as they work to restore and renew this wonderful gem of the botanical world.
 Kevin will also be introducing many of the new  hardy plants and shrubs that he has introduced to the Cally collection, many being the first  to be planted in Scotland and some the first introduction to the United Kingdom.

The Tour commences at 2pm and is free to anyone who has purchased admission to the garden or that is a Season Ticket Holder.

Admission to the Gardens is £5 for adults and free for under 16's.

Complimentary refreshments will be served at the end of the tour.

Margaret Young in Aberdeen, North East Scotland Zone 7 -ish!

Editor: International Rock Gardener e-magazine

Maggi Young

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Re: Cally Gardens - the future
« Reply #18 on: September 26, 2019, 06:36:40 PM »
Note  from Cally Gardens and Kevin Hughes Specialist Plants -

"Our Autumn 2019 Plant Availability List will be out in the next few days.
If you would like to receive an emailed list then please send your email address to info@callygardens.co.uk    "

Margaret Young in Aberdeen, North East Scotland Zone 7 -ish!

Editor: International Rock Gardener e-magazine

Maggi Young

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    • International Rock Gardener e-magazine
Re: Cally Gardens - the future
« Reply #19 on: April 20, 2020, 12:34:06 PM »
Latest  plant  list from Kevin Hughes  at Cally Gardens ....

Genus    Species    Cultivar    AVAILABILITY    Price    Size
Achillea    ptarmica    Noblessa         £5.00    1L
Aconitum    japonicum              £6.50    
Aconitum    napellus    Best Cally Form         £7.50    
Aconitum    species    ex. Russia         £6.50    
Adiantum    venustum              £5.00    1L
Akebia    quinata    Ameythst    Collection Only    £12.00    
Akebia    quinata cream flowered         Collection Only    £12.00    
Akebia    x pentaphylla         Collection Only    £12.00    
Alstroemeria    brasiliensis              £6.50    
Alstroemeria         Hawera         £3.50    
Anemone    flaccida    Mt. Fujiwara Dake         £11.00    
Anemone    flaccida              £5.00    1L
Anemone    kieskei              £11.00    
Anthericum    liliago              £5.00    
Anthericum    ramosum              £5.00    
Arachnoides    davalliformis              £3.50    
Arachnoides    standishii              £6.50    1L
Aristolochia     baetica     upland form    Collection Only    £6.50    
Aristolochia     californica              £8.50    1L
Aristolochia     clematitis          Collection Only    £5.00    
Aristolochia     griffithii    Mabilou    Few     £28.00    
Aristolochia     pistolochia         Collection Only    £8.50    
Aristolochia     sempervirens          Collection Only    £5.00    
Artemisia    lactiflora    Guizhou         £3.50    
Arum    italicum    'Tiny'         £5.00    
Aruncus    dioicus dark stemmed form              £6.50    
Asphodeline     liburnica               £5.00    
Asphodelus    albus    Cally Spear         £15.00    
Asphodelus    albus              £8.50    
Azara    serrata         Collection Only    £13.50    
Berberis         Cally Rose    Collection Only    £15.00    
Berberis         Dwarf Cally Rose    Collection Only    £15.00    
Bergenia    stracheyi    Alba         £5.00    1L
Betula     utilis    Nepal Orange    Collection Only    £35.00    
Blechnum    fernandezianum         Very Few    £30.00    
Blechnum    magellanicum    ex Chile    Very Few    £20.00    
Blechnum    penna-marina              £3.00    
Borago    minor              £5.00    
Buddleja    lindeyana         Collection Only    £9.50    
Buddleja     forrestii     ex wild seed    Collection Only    £13.50    
Buddleja     glomerata          Collection Only    £12.50    
Buddleja     nivea     ex wild seed    Collection Only    £13.50    
Callistemon    linearis         Collection Only    £11.00    
Callistemon    pallidus         Collection Only    £11.00    
Cardamine    heptaphylla    Pyrenean Lilac         £5.00    
Cardamine    waldsteinii               £3.50    
Cardamine     glanduligera              £5.00    
Cardiocrinum    giganteum    Ex Green Flower         £8.50    1L
Carex    strictissima              £5.00    
Ceanothus    thyrsiflorus    Skylark    Collection Only    £9.50    
Ceanothus    x delileanus    Henri Defosse    Collection Only    £11.00    
Ceanothus    x delileanus    Topaze    Collection Only    £11.00    
Ceanothus         Marie Rose    Collection Only    £11.00    
Chaerophyllum    hirsutum    Roseum         £5.00    1L
Chrysosplenium     davidianum              £3.00    
Clematis    mandschurica         Collection Only    £9.50    
Clianthus    puniceus     Red Cardinal    Collection Only    £13.50    
Codonopsis    lanceolata              £8.50    2L
Cornus    canadensis         Collection Only    £10.00    
Cornus    honkongensis         Collection Only    £19.50    
Cornus    sericea    Hedherows gold    Collection Only    £9.50    
Coronilla    emerus         Collection Only    £10.00    
Correa    backhouseana         Collection Only    £12.00    
Correa         Marvins marvel    Collection Only    £12.00    
Corylus    avellana    Red Majestic    Collection Only    £15.00    
Crocosmia         Rowallane Yellow         £7.50    
Cypripedium      x ventricosum               £18.50    
Cypripedium     calceolus              £25.00    
Cypripedium     kentuckiense hybrid              £20.00    
Cypripedium     macranthum album               £25.00    
Cypripedium     reginae-album               £16.50    
Dactylorhiza     alpestris               £15.00    
Daphne    odora         Collection Only    £16.50    
Daphne     bholua     Mary Rose    Collection Only    £38.00    
Daphne     bholua     Limpfield    Collection Only    £35.00    
Daphne     bholua     Gurkha    Collection Only    £35.00    
Decumaria    sinensis         Collection Only    £18.50    
Deinanthe     caerulea               £8.50    1L
Deutzia    hookeriana         Collection Only    £9.59    
Deutzia    pulchra         Collection Only    £9.50    
Deutzia    setchuenensis var corymbiflora         Collection Only    £9.50    
Dichroa    febifuga         Collection Only    £12.00    
Dichroa    species ex Guizhou    Long March         £9.50    
Dierama         Cally hardy hybrids         £5.00    
Digitalis    purpurea              £3.50    2L
Digitalis    purpurea              £4.50    3L
Dipelta    yunnanensis         Collection Only    £14.00    
Diplarrhena    latifolia    large flower form         £7.50    
Dryopteris    filix-mas              £5.00    
Dryopteris    lepidopoda              £6.50    
Dryopteris    sinofibrillosa         Few     £38.00    4L
Edgeworthia    chrysantha         Collection Only    £16.00    
Elaeagnus         Quicksilver    Collection Only    £10.00    
Epimedium    epsteinii              £6.50    
Epimedium    grandiflorum    Lilafee         £4.00    
Epimedium         Jinto Shan         £6.50    
Epimedium    leptorrhizum              £5.00    
Epimedium     x omeiense    Stormcloud         £6.50    1L
Epipactis    gigantea    Serpentine Night         £19.50    
Eucomis    pole-evansii    bronze leaf ex wild coll.         £7.00    
Eucryphia    intermedia    Rostrevor    Collection Only    £15.00    
Eucryphia    nymansensis    Nymans silver    Collection Only    £14.00    
Eucryphia    nymansensis    Nymansay    Collection Only    £14.00    
Eucryphia     lucida     Carousel    Collection Only    £18.50    
Euonymus    europaeus    Red Cascade    Collection Only    £9.50    
Euonymus    phellomanus         Collection Only    £11.00    
Euonymus    planipes         Collection Only    £12.50    
Euonymus    schensianus         Few     £19.50    
Euphorbia    dulcis              £5.50    
Euphorbia    x pasteuri              £7.50    
Fuschia    compos-portii              £5.00    9cm
Fuschia    compos-portii         Collection Only    £8.50    3L
Fuschia    hatschbachii              £9.50    
Euphorbia         Roundway Titan         £10.00    
Geranium    aristatum              £5.00    
Geranium    clarkei    Kashmir Puple         £3.50    
Geranium    maculatum    Vickie Lyn         £3.50    
Geranium    maculatum    Chatto         £3.50    
Geranium    maculatum    Spring Purple         £5.00    
Geranium    nodosum    Silverwood         £4.00    
Geranium    oxonianum    Katherine Adele         £5.00    
Geranium    sanguineum    Nyewood House         £5.00    1L
Geranium    sanguineum    Nyewood House         £3.50    
Geranium    sylvaticum              £3.50    
Geranium         Blue Cloud         £3.50    
Geum         Savannah Sunset         £5.00    
Gladiolus         Gonolek         £7.50    
Gladiolus     cardinalis               £6.50    
Grevillea    alpina    Olympic Flame    Collection Only    £11.00    
Grevillea    juniperina f. sulphurea         Collection Only    £11.00    
Grevillea    victotiae         Collection Only    £13.50    
Grevillea         Clearvie David    Collection Only    £12.00    
Gymnocarpium    oyamense              £7.50    
Hakonechloa    macra              £5.00    
Hedychium    coccineum dward red    Ex Wild Collected         £12.00    
Hedychium     villosum     Wild collected yellow         £8.00    
Helianthemum         Ben Moore         £9.50    2L
Helleborus    viridis    occidentalis         £8.50    
Hemiloba    subcapitata    large form         £8.00    
Hemiloba    subcapitata              £5.00    
Hepatica    transsilvanica              £3.50    
Hesperaloe    parviflora              £6.50    
Hoheria    sexstylosa    Stardust    Collection Only    £13.50    
Hoheria         Ace of spades    Collection Only    £13.50    
Hoheria         Bordehill    Collection Only    £13.50    
Hormium    pyrenaicum          Collection Only    £6.50    
Hosta          Cally Atom         £7.50    
Hosta    nigrescens    Cally White         £15.00    2L
Hosta    sieboldiana              £8.50    3L
Hosta          Cally Colossus         £15.00    
Hydrangea    aspera    Anthony Bullivant    Collection Only    £12.00    
Hydrangea    aspera    Kawakami Group    Collection Only    £12.00    
Hydrangea    aspera    Mauvette    Collection Only    £12.00    
Hydrangea    aspera subsp. Strigosa         Collection Only    £12.00    
Hydrangea    heteromalla    Nepal Beauty    Collection Only    £13.50    
Hydrangea    macrophylla    Izu-no-hana    Collection Only    £11.50    
Hydrangea    paniculata    Brussels Lace    Collection Only    £11.50    
Hydrangea    paniculata    Chantilly Lace    Collection Only    £11.50    
Hydrangea    paniculata    Early Sensatio    Collection Only    £11.50    
Hydrangea    paniculata    Great Star    Collection Only    £11.50    
Hydrangea    paniculata    Kyushu    Collection Only    £11.50    
Hydrangea    paniculata    Limelight    Collection Only    £11.50    
Hydrangea    paniculata    Little Lime    Collection Only    £11.50    
Hydrangea    paniculata    Phantom    Collection Only    £11.50    
Hydrangea    paniculata    Pink Diamond    Collection Only    £11.50    
Hydrangea    paniculata    Pinky Winky    Collection Only    £11.50    
Hydrangea    paniculata    Silver Dollar    Collection Only    £11.50    
Hydrangea    paniculata    Unique    Collection Only    £11.50    
Hydrangea    paniculata    Vanille Fraise    Collection Only    £11.50    
Hydrangea    quercifolia    Alice    Collection Only    £11.50    
Hydrangea    quercifolia    Pee Wee    Collection Only    £11.50    
Hydrangea    serrata    Kiyusoma    Collection Only    £11.50    
Hydrangea         Preziosa    Collection Only    £11.50    
Impatiens    tinctoria subsp. Elegantisima              £12.50    3L
Impatiens     tinctoria subsp. latifolia              £9.50    
Indigofera    heterantha         Collection Only    £12.00    
Indigofera    himalayensis    Silk Road    Collection Only    £13.00    
Indigofera    Howellii         Collection Only    £12.00    
Iris    chrysographes    black         £5.00    
Iris    ensata    Gipsy         £9.50    
Iris    ensata    White Ladies         £9.50    
Iris    fulva              £6.50    
Itea    virginica    Henry's Garnet    Collection Only    £12.00    
Jovellana     punctata               £8.50    
Jovellana     violacea              £8.50    
Lathyrus    vernus    Rosenelfe         £6.50    
Lathyrus    vernus    albus         £5.00    1L
Lathyrus    vernus    purple with laciniate leaves         £6.50    
Lathyrus    vernus    purple         £5.00    
Lathyrus    vernus     Cyaneus         £6.50    1L
Leptospermum    scoparium    Appleblossum    Collection Only    £11.00    
Leptospermum    scoparium    Red Damask    Collection Only    £11.00    
Leptospermum         Silver Sheen    Collection Only    £11.00    
Ligularia    przewalskii              £3.50    
Ligularia    przewalskii              £3.50    
Ligularia    przewalskii              £6.50    1L
Ligustrum    japonicum    Rotundifolium    Collection Only    £11.00    
Lilium    auratum              £9.50    
Lilium    nepalense              £6.50    
Lilium     pomponium              £9.50    
Lindelofia    longiflora              £6.50    
Lobelia    tupa              £11.00    
Lomatia    fraseri         Collection Only    £13.50    
Lonicera    tragophylla    Maurice Foster    Collection Only    £13.50    
Magnolia         Porcelain Dove    Collection Only    £35.00    
Magnolia    stellata    Royal star    Collection Only    £16.50    
Magnolia    stellata    Waterlily    Collection Only    £16.50    
Magnolia         Butterflies    Collection Only    £28.00    
Magnolia         Genie    Collection Only    £30.00    
Magnolia    stellata    Jane Platt    Few Collection Only    £30.00    
Magnolia    figo    Port Wine    Collection Only    £15.00    
Magnolia    figo         Collection Only    £15.00    
Mahonia    duclouxiana hyb-         Collection Only    £15.00    
Mahonia    eurybracteata    Sweet Winter    Collection Only    £15.00    
Mahonia    japonica Bealei Group         Collection Only    £15.00    
Mahonia    sinensis         Collection Only    £16.50    
Mahonia    x media    Lionel Fortesque    Collection Only    £15.00    
Mahonia    x media    Winter sun    Collection Only    £15.00    
Mahonia    x savillii              £12.50    
Meconopsis         Cally Purple         £8.50    
Meconopsis     aff - grandis dwarf              £8.50    
Meconopsis          Cally GS600         £8.50    
Meconopsis          Mrs Jebb         £7.50    
Meconopsis          ex Biggar Park         £8.50    
Melianthus    major         Collection Only    £12.00    
Mitella    breweri              £3.00    
Mitraria     coccinea     Lake Caburgua    Collection Only    £8.50    
Moraea    alticola              £7.50    
Olearia    phlogopappa    Combers Blue    Collection Only    £11.00    
Olearia    phlogopappa    Comber's Pink    Collection Only    £11.00    
Olearia    x scilloniensis         Collection Only    £11.00    
Onosma    alborosea              £3.50    
Ophiopogon    chingii              £5.00    
Orixa    japonica     Variegata    Collection Only    £9.50    
Paeonia     arietina    Northern glory    Few    £15.00    
Paeonia    delavayi    potaninii    Collection Only    £13.50    3L
Paeonia    delavayi    potaninii Cally Orange    Collection Only    £15.00    
Paeonia    delavayi    potaninii large specimen    1 Collection or special delivery    £95.00    
Paeonia    delavayi     Yellow Queen Hybrids    Collection Only    £13.50    
Paeonia    x festiva    Rubra Plena         £10.00    
Paeonia     x festiva    Rubra Plena    Few Collection Only    £19.50    7L
Paeonia    tenuifolia    Rosea         £15.00    1L
Paeonia    woodwardii veitchii    ex light pink    few    £9.50    
Paeonia     Cally Nikita         Few     £38.00    2L
Paeonia     Cally Nikita         Few    £45.00    3L
Paeonia     aff. lactiflora    ex. Russia     Few    £9.50    1L
Paeonia     tenuifolia          Few    £12.00    Potted Divisions
Paris     incompleta               £7.50    
Paris     quadrifolia               £6.50    
Pelargonium    quercetorum              £8.50    1L
Persicaria    amplexicaulis    Alba         £5.00    
Philadelphus    maculatus    Mexican Jewell    Collection Only    £11.00    
Philadelphus         Erectus    Collection Only    £11.00    
Philadelphus         Starbright    Collection Only    £11.00    
Philadelphus         Sybille    Collection Only    £11.00    
Philadelphus         Belle Etoile    Collection Only    £9.50    
Phlomis    longifolia         Collection Only    £12.00    
Phlomis         Edward Bowles    Collection Only    £11.00    
Phormium          Jester         £11.50    
Physocarpus    opulifolius    Lady in Red    Collection Only    £11.00    
Podophyllum    difforme              £8.50    
Podophyllum     versipelle              £6.50    
Polygonatum    multiflorum    Joyful Union    Few    £12.00    1L
Polygonatum    hybridum    Betburg         £8.50    
Polygonatum    hybridum    Weihenstephan         £9.50    
Polypodium    x callirhiza    Sarah Lyman         £6.50    
Polypodium    hyb. Rattlesnake Canyon 1         Few     £6.50    
Polypodium    hyb. Rattlesnake Canyon 3         Few    £6.50    
Polypodium    vulgare    Trichomanoides Backhouse         £6.50    
Polystichum    x dycei              £7.50    
Polystichum    x dycei         Collection Only    £8.50    3L
Polystichum    proliferum              £8.50    
Polystichum    tsus- simense              £6.50    
Potentilla    fruticosa    Vilmoriniana    Collection Only    £9.50    
Potentilla         Blazeaway         £5.00    
Pseudopanax    crassifolius f. trifoliatus          Collection Only    £20.00    
Pseudopaneax         Dark Star         £18.50    
Pulmonaria    angustifolia    azurea         £3.50    
Pulmonaria         Blue Ensign         £4.50    1L
Pulmonaria          Cally Blue         £5.00    1L
Rheum    officinale              £8.50    
Rodgersia         Cally Coffee         £8.50    
Rodgersia         Cally Coral         £8.50    
Rodgersia         Cally Hybrids         £4.00    Division
Romneya    coulteri         Collection Only    £14.00    
Salvia     concolor              £6.50    
Salvia     uliginosa              £8.50    3L
Sarcococca    confusa         Collection Only    £11.00    
Sarcococca    hookeriana var. humilus         Collection Only    £11.00    
Sarcococca    orientalis         Collection Only    £12.50    
Sarcococca    ruscifolia var. chinensis    Dragon Gate    Collection Only    £11.00    
Sarcococca         Rudolp    Collection Only    £12.50    
Sassafras    albidum         Collection Only    £17.50    
Saxifraga     pensylvanica               £6.50    1L
Schizophragma    hydrangeoides    Rose sensation    Collection Only    £14.00    
Schizophragma    hydrangeoides    Moonlight    Collection Only    £14.00    
Schizophragma    integrifolium         Collection Only    £14.00    
Serapias    lingua              £6.50    
Sophora    davidii         Collection Only    £11.00    
Sorbus    scalans         Collection Only    £15.00    
Sorbus    vilmorinii         Collection Only    £30.00    
Stachys    macrantha    Morning Blush         £6.50    
Stachys     officinalis     Cally Dwarf White         £5.00    
Stachyurus    chinensis    Joy Forever    Collection Only    £13.50    
Stachyurus    praecox         Collection Only    £13.50    
Stauntonia    hexaphylla         Collection Only    £12.00    
Sycopsis    sinensis         Collection Only    £13.50    
Syringa    pinnatifolia         Collection Only    £13.50    3L
Syringa    x josiflexa    Bellicent    Collection Only    £13.50    
Tasmannia    lanceolata         Collection Only    £13.00    
Tasmannia    winteri         Collection Only    £13.50    
Taxodium    distichum    Shawnee Brave    Collection Only    £28.00    
Trachelospermum    asiaticum    Ogon Nishiki    Collection Only    £8.00    
Trachelospermum     asiaticum          Collection Only    £14.00    
Trifolium     pannonicum               £5.00    
Tropaeolum    speciosm         Collection Only    £6.50    1L
Tulipa    sprengeri              £5.00    
Ugni    molinae         Collection Only    £11.00    
Veratrum    album    best green         £11.00    1L
Veratrum    album    best green         POA    More sizes
Veratrum    californicum              £9.50    1L
Veratrum    californicum              POA    More sizes
Veratrum     album lobbianum     ex Tatra Mtns         £11.00    1L
Veratrum     album lobbianum     ex Tatra Mtns         POA    More sizes
Veratrum     album     Cally best white         £11.00    1L
Veratrum     album     Cally best white         POA    More sizes
Veratrum          Auvergne White         £12.00    
Veratrum          Auvergne White         POA    More sizes
Veronica    spicata    incana Wendy         £3.50    
Viburnum    nudum    Pink Beauty    Collection Only    £12.50    
Viburnum    odoratissimum         Collection Only    £15.00    
Viburnum    opulus    Compactum    Collection Only    £11.50    
Viburnum    plicatum f. tomentosum    Cascade    Collection Only    £12.50    
Viburnum    plicatum f. tomentosum    Pink Beauty    Collection Only    £12.50    
Viburnum    plicatum f. tomentosum    Shasta    Collection Only    £12.50    
Viburnum    plicatum f. tomentosum    Shoshni    Collection Only    £12.50    
Viburnum    x hillieri    Winton    Collection Only    £11.50    
Viola    corsica              £3.50    
Watsonia         Pink Hybrid         £7.50    
Watsonia         Tresco Pink         £7.50    
Wisteria     brachybotrys    White Silk         £19.50    
Wisteria    floribunda    Domino    Collection Only    £18.50    
Wisteria     floribunda    Macrobotrys    Collection Only    £18.50    
Wisteria    floribunda    Rosea    Collection Only    £18.50    
Wisteria    sinensis    Alba    Collection Only    £18.50    
Wisteria    sinensis    Prolific         £18.50    
Woodwardia     prolifera               £9.50    2.5L
Ypsilandra    aff. cavalerei              £7.50    
Zantedeschia          Giant White         £8.50    
Zantedeschia          Green Goddess         £8.50    
Zantedeschia          Kiwi Blush         £8.00    
Zanthoxylum    oxyphyllum              £18.50    
Zanthoxylum    simulans         Collection Only    £25.00    

Please email your order to callygardensales@gmail.com or send a written order to our postal address including a contact number for payment.
Plants marked Collection only are for that and delivery by us locally (charge applies), all the rest are available mail order.
Payment in advance or on collection by credit card.
Plants will be dispatched for mail order on Mondays and Tuesdays only. Minimum order of £20.
Delivery is £10 up to 5kg and £15 above that.
Send in your order and it will be dealt with in turn, no guarantees all plants will still be available.
You will be contacted with final price when your order is ready to dispatch/collect so please include contact info.
We endeavour to pack all plants carefully but ask our customers to be aware all postage is subject to delays in the current times. If you’re not happy with the plants and wish to return them you must contact us within 24 hours of delivery.

Our mailing address is:
Cally Gardens and Specialist Plant Nursery
Cally Avenue
Gatehouse of Fleet
Castle Douglas, Dumfries and Galloway DG7 2DJ
United Kingdom
Margaret Young in Aberdeen, North East Scotland Zone 7 -ish!

Editor: International Rock Gardener e-magazine


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Re: Cally Gardens - the future
« Reply #20 on: April 21, 2020, 11:39:20 AM »
Wow Maggi that took some typing up. I'm full of admiration.
Shelagh, Bury, Lancs.

"There's this idea that women my age should fade away. Bugger that." Baroness Trumpington

Maggi Young

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    • International Rock Gardener e-magazine
Re: Cally Gardens - the future
« Reply #21 on: April 21, 2020, 12:41:11 PM »
Wow Maggi that took some typing up. I'm full of admiration.
Tee Hee!  I must confess, Shelagh, that that hard work in typing the  list  was  not  of  my  doing, I simply  copied  and  pasted  it  from the  Cally  Gardens email I received!  :P
Margaret Young in Aberdeen, North East Scotland Zone 7 -ish!

Editor: International Rock Gardener e-magazine


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Re: Cally Gardens - the future
« Reply #22 on: April 22, 2020, 04:36:54 PM »
Clever girl (if that's not offensive). Or should I say wonderful lady. ;)
Shelagh, Bury, Lancs.

"There's this idea that women my age should fade away. Bugger that." Baroness Trumpington


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