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And they do deserve to be told how stable or otherwise a plant may be.
Not so happy about another expensive yellow - Mother Goose. The first one I bought in 2016 and it flowered beautifully - a brilliant yellow orange so I bought another. This year both of them are green. I just want my Mother Geese to be brilliant yellow again. Any thoughts?
Thanks Matt - I can see where you’re coming from but my soil is good for yellows and I grow quite a few.
I take your point, David - it seems there are too many cases when such information is not clearly stated - perhaps because " galanthophiles already know these things" - well, they don't! And they do deserve to be told how stable or otherwise a plant may be.
that’s fine and those who want it can buy it. But I’m not sure it’s what I want and, as everyone seems to agree, we need to know what we are buying.
Estonian Spirit Kaina one of the Estonian Spirit series, developed by Taavi Tuulik and obtained from Anne Wright.Estonian Spirit 2009/CS9 one of the clones discovered in abandoned gardens and woods in Estonia.
Morning patrol in bright sunshine and a very virescent theme.First up is Emerald Isle, a very under rated snowdrop in my view with a lovely colour. Some find it difficult, for me here, it is increasing well.Next, my second clump of Andrea's Fault is flowering! I thought it was only going to increase this year, but it has thrown up a later flower. The more this proves itself to be a good do'er the more it will rival the King in my view!Finally, the virescent King , in my view, today Morgana still flowering well, My satellite clumps are also about to flower. A joyful snowdrop this and hopefully Andy will have some available soon.Hallo blonde Ingrid, with great interest I look for the rich collection of Your snowdropvarieties!I am lucky, to find sometimes a new Snowdropflower. Today I fond an Elwesii findling with green eyes.(1)And the poculiforme Anglesey Abbey this year shows the typical white form! (2)
That's a very unusual mark on the plicatus, Shauney. If the leaves looked like that I might think that the snowdrop had a virus but with the flower I really don't know what to make of it.