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Two of my favourite blues in the garden both doing well in the shade behind a seat.Ptilostrichium spinosum suddenly came out with the sun.Rhodo Peeping Tom. And Sedum humifusum showing a lot more flower than they did at the Glasgow Show.
Robert"Penstemon roezlii looking great. It looks even better in our garden than in the wild! I'll keep working on this one and see if I can come up with something even better for our garden. "Please do!. I'm partial to your penstemons. Unfortunately my first trial failed, but I'm willing to persevere. My Pent. palmerii are healthy looking first year seedlings! I know that when in bloom they'll be gorgeous. Your comment about flopping over with wind, restricts my planting scheme; still I wouldn't want to do without your Digitalis dubia or your Geranium dalmaticum.
John 'Lampwick' - I see your website url is not connecting - I'm getting an error 403 message - is something wrong? I'm getting the access forbidden message using Firefox and Google browsers
Hi Thomas,Your Eriogonum kennedyi look very good! By any chance do you know what subspecies they belong to? There are 5 subspecies in California. Believe it or not, I often have difficulty growing Southern California species here in Northern California.Many Eriogonum species seem to thrive for me here in Northern California. At this time, the Eriogonum marifolium - E. incanum complex is giving me a devil of a time. I can grow them to blooming age then they decline and die-off. I grow many from seed and have another batch of seedlings coming along. Maybe I will have better luck with some of them. Eriogonum elatum var. elatum from the east side of the Sierra Nevada does surprisingly well. I have yet to get one to bloom at this time. Eriogonum ursinum var. ursinum looks good, however my last remaining plant is a shy bloomer (at least so far). The other specimens died off in our move to Sacramento. I just check today and Eriogonum umbellatum var. smallianum is well budded and will be blooming soon.Anyway, I enjoy seeing your photographs, especially the Eriogonum species you are having success with. Very
Just enjoying all these beautiful pictures from the forum members.Three pictures of Townsendias taken today.1.Townsendia sp#1-lost the label. someone please help me2 Townsendia sp#2-same story -lost label.3.Townsendia rothrockii