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Eriogonum kennedyi, California, Ventura Co. 2645 m The current heat and drought seems to be very good for this plant...😊
Could this possibly be a different eriogonum? I've never seen E.kennedyi bloom on long stems. The ones I've grown have always had the flowers with very short stems right on the plant. Just asking.
Eriogonum kennedyi seems to have several varieties. When I worked at Wisley we grew two forms, one labelled E. kennedyi var. kennedyi and the other E. kennedyi var. alpigenum. The former had long flowering stems and the latter had very short ones, as pictured below.Paul
Five years from seed this Albizia julibrissin f. rosea ex Dresden, Ontario seed is at last flowering heavily due to the hot summer, the hottest since 1876. Only 2 out of 10 seedlings were hardy. It receives no water, no fertilizer and gets full sun against a south-facing wall. The soil is very poor, shallow and still it grows like a fiend. johnfeeling cool at 24c.
Hi everybody! Long time since I posted here, thought it was well overdue so I'll just post a couple of quick shots from one of the rock beds-- Sempervivum marmoreum ssp erythraeum (with Rosularia, other semps, Armeria, Draba etc in the background, then another view of the same bed with that semp to the lower left, some of the big boys behind.. August 07, 2018
Lovely light!