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My G.bursanus are flowering now. I have them in pots for the moment in a cold greenhouse. They have a distinct, strong honey/musky smell to my nose. As a result of random sniffing I have discovered that G.peshmenii is also similarly scented. I have three varieties and they are all scented. I guess I shouldn’t be surprised as many snowdrops are scented but I can’t find any reference to peshmenii being scented anywhere so I am surprised!
Thanks for sharing my photo of G. bursanus from Facebook, I've been remiss in my postings here. I am surprised and pleased by the vigor of these plants. The plant shown was one bulb planted in 2017, and this fall it is showing 5 blooms. A photo of the same plant, taken Nov 2, 2019 shows the 3 open blooms and 2 more coming. Also attached, two other bursanus currently blooming here in Virginia.
.... This would make a good article for a writer on botany.