Hi Maggi,
Thanks for posting this. I spent ages last night trying to overcome the formatting..... and then a paper copy arrived this morning! It turns out that one of my 'readers' was giving me the full text (Tho' two weren't)
On catalogues in general: I’ve long since ceased to be surprised by things I haven’t heard of, being listed at prices I wouldn’t dream of! If anyone has a photo of, or (even better still) experience of growing, any of the ‘novelties’ I’d be interested.
On this catalogue in particular I AM surprised by the absence of Glenorma , Glenchantress and Chantry Green Twins. Does anyone have an explanation??
Also there is no PHD 33643, PHD 33463, Peter Davis or Peter Hadland Davis. Perhaps I should get a few of mine onto Ebay! (Now which name should I use?)
Tim DH