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Author Topic: Nominations called for GOLDEN JUBILEE SALVER 2019 and Council Members  (Read 1248 times)

Maggi Young

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  • "There's often a clue"
    • International Rock Gardener e-magazine

The Salver is presented annually to an individual member for outstanding service to the Club. All nominations are considered by the Awarding Committee, which consists of previous winners of this prestigious award. 
Nominations for the 2019 recipient should be sent to the Secretary no later than 15 August 2019. It would be helpful if a short account of the nominee’s services to the Club and also the names of other supporters were included. You may submit your nomination again in subsequent years if initially unsuccessful.
The names of all previous winners are recorded in the Golden Jubilee Salver Book which is available for inspection at the AGM or on our website. In 2018 the recipient was John Lee.
Carolyn McNab (01557 870225 secretary@srgc.net)   
Nominations are invited for membership of council.
•  They must be received by the Secretary at least 30 days before the Annual General Meeting, which is on 9th November 2019.
•  They must be in writing from the proposer – on paper or by email.
•  Each nomination must state the names of one or more seconders.
•  Each nomination must state that the candidate has agreed to stand for election.
The Secretary, Treasurer, Subscription Secretary, Web Manager, Publicity Manager and Editor retire annually, but are eligible for re-election. Nominations are required as described above.
Ordinary members of council serve for three years; four are elected each year. There are also vacancies remaining from previous years, so one additional member may be elected for two years, and one for one year.
The Secretary is Carolyn McNab, 01557 814141, Barmagachan House, Borgue, Kirkcudbright, DG6 4SW secretary@srgc.net.
« Last Edit: July 16, 2019, 05:28:27 PM by Maggi Young »
Margaret Young in Aberdeen, North East Scotland Zone 7 -ish!

Editor: International Rock Gardener e-magazine


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