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Magical! Such beautiful dainties! What do you use as compost please?
These were the only Galanthus elwesii I've had ...not too pleased with it. But, I know who is to blame, I've had lots of moles activity exactly where they were growing - next year I will bilt some small net cages for them to grow safe! I want this walk full of galanthus in the future in my garden ( I still have some G. nivalis coming through).
I use two basic mixes, both contain:60% Growing medium of JI3 for the greens/whites, pocs, Iocs etc OR JI Ericaceous for the Yellows and SOME of the Scottish drops at 40% of total mixture PLUS 20% composted bark40% Structural medium of 15% Cornish grit, 15% horticultural grit which is generally larger than the Cornish and 10% Perlite.As this is a light mix, I always include a light feed with watering.Hope this helps.
Jaime, it seems your G. elwesii do very well - strong and healthy growing! At least this species enjoys your conditions. Also your bed looks nice.Gerd