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Herman, 'Maria Theresia' is the dark one at the top. 'Müssel' is left next to it and the white is just called 'Alba Plena' (from Edrom Nurseries 2016). I got the pink one as 'Yugo' but I can´t tell it apart from my 'Rubra Plena'. The others don't bear a name only numbers.Leena, fingers crossed that there is no winter again after your sweeties started to grow
Dear Herman, this is the small bowl today. Hepaticas change their shape strongly while aging. So it is not too easy, to judge.
Here they would also flower as soon as possible in late March/early April when the temp. start rising; it depends how much direct sun they get.There can be a difference of more than a week between plants with direct sun exposure and others on more shaded locations.Hepatica acutiloba usually flowers about one week earlier than americana.
I think I'm much safer in the UK. Those sales tables would be too tempting.I had a couple of hours free this afternoon so spent it photographing my hepaticas. This is the debitage!