Fermi, my spurias are still at the seedling stage. I got a mixed package seeds from Jelitto, so who knows what will become of them. May I ask you how moist you keep that bed during your hot summer?. If I understand correctly, spurias are mesic plants, quite moisture loving but not as much as Iris maackii, or I. ensata. In my newbye knowledge they are placed nearer to sibiricas in terms of their watering needs. Since my garden is placed atop a sandy substrate, anything that needs water retaining soil is doomed from the start unless one devises something that will simulate a bog. I'm trying out creating my beds lining them with left-over plastic greenhouse lining that has been discarded from our vegetable operation, because the lining has lost its transparency. However it is still water tight. I've tried this with my water loving Primulas (P.florindae and P.vialli) and am planning it for my pond edge irises. Thank you in advance.