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From the sunny side.
Sedum lanceolatum...from the Big Horn Mts. in Wyoming...1800 Meter (sown in 2018). Feels with his 3 centimeters in a crevice in my Alpinum visibly comfortable.
I have a Sorbus cf wilsoniana, could in theory flower in the next few years, time will tell if berries are other than orange..
Oenother acaulis - when I saw Zdenek's Calylophus lavandufolius I thought he'd beaten me to a picture of Oenothera but I see the leaves are completely different. Is it the same family?
Leena-- interesting woodland beds..
Dodecatheon media album flowering now
The one on the left with two flowers is flowering now for the first time and it was T.sprengeri ex Kazakstan.
That is hardly possible, since Tulipa sprengeri was originally described from Turkey and is presumed extinct in the wild.