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Author Topic: SEED EXCHANGE NEWS 2021  (Read 2307 times)

Maggi Young

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« on: June 20, 2020, 06:47:15 PM »

We are very sorry to have to announce that there will be no SRGC Seed Exchange in 2020-2021.  The Covid 19 pandemic has led to all sorts of restrictions this year, and after much discussion, the teams responsible for the three elements of the seed exchange have reached the conclusion that it will not be possible to carry out the seed exchange in circumstances which are likely to require social distancing, and may well place limitations on groups of folk gathering indoors.  We also recognise that many of the volunteers key in the running of the exchange are among the higher risk segments of the population, and may be reluctant to volunteer in the usual way.  So, please accept our apologies, bear with us until 2021, and read on to find out what we are proposing to do.
In December 2019 the EU implemented new plant and seed import regulations, which apply to the UK as much as any other EU member state.  Defra have confirmed that these mean that any seed being sent into the EU from other parts of the world now requires a phytosanitary certificate, with no exceptions. This obviously will affect all of those members who are kind enough to donate seed to us from outside the EU, and we will take the opportunity that the 2020-21 cancellation gives us to try to work out ways in which key donations from other parts of the world might continue to be made to us.
As we write, we are also unclear as to what will happen after the UK transition period ends on December 31st and we finally leave the EU.  We do not know whether this will mean that from January 2021 we will need to obtain phytosanitary certificates for all seed we send to our members in the EU.  Again, we will be keeping in touch with developments and looking for ways in which we can continue to operate the seed exchange in future.
We will update you all with more information on these developments when it becomes available.


After the seed distribution is completed each year, we have some seed left over which normally goes on tour around the SRGC Spring Shows for members to buy.  This represents the last 5-10% of the seed we packet, and Ian and Carole Bainbridge have two trays with around 3000 packets of seed sitting unused this year.  If any UK member would like some seed, you can email seed@srgc.org.uk, or write to Ian & Carole, address below, with a list of genera you would like, or list large blocks of numbers from the 2019-20 seed list, and your postal address. Seedlist 73 for 2019-2020 can be found  here: https://www.srgcseed.net/seedlistarchive.asp
Ian & Carole have agreed they will post out packs of up to 50 packets of seed.  In return, members will be asked to make a donation on the SRGC website, details below.....

Please pay a donation of at least 20p per packet plus postage costs, using a credit or debit card by clicking on the “Donate” button on the top right hand corner of the srgc.net home page.  After entering your payment amount, please then use the “Note” space to type “Seed” so our treasurer can allocate your donation correctly.

We are sorry that this offer is only being made to UK members, but we are not in a position to deal with import permits, customs lists or overseas postage in the current circumstances.  In normal years, this seed is only available to UK members at shows, of course.

Email requests to seed@srgc.org.uk are preferred, but you may post requests to:
Ian & Carole Bainbridge, SRGC Seed Offer, Luckie Harg’s, Anwoth, Gatehouse of Fleet, Dumfries and Galloway, DG7 2EF.

Use  the  list  #73  for  2019-2020 - you can find  it  on this  page  :


Even though we will not be running a main exchange in 2020-21, we have been thinking of the ways in which seed might be made available to members.
We are therefore seeking volunteers who might collect some seed to be available for the SRGC shows that we hope will be able to take place in spring 2021.  If you are a UK member, you could help us in the following way:
•   Collect seed of a few choice or unusual plants from your garden – no more than five types.
•   Check that these taxa were on the 2019-20 seed list; we will use the same numbers as last year.
•   E-mail seed@srgc.org.uk with a note of your 5 items and your postal address, so we can send you labels,
        glassine envelopes and instructions on packeting and returning seed.
•   Make up ten packets of each of your 5 items and send the seed back in to us for collation.

If around 70 members help with this, we can have the normal volume of seed available for the shows in 2021. If we reach this point, the seed collection will then be closed.  Neil and Sheila McNulty have offered to manage this process on our behalf; many thanks to them.  We realise that if it is not possible to hold the shows, the seed may never be used, and we may have wasted effort, but we think it worthwhile trying.

Ian & Carole Bainbridge on behalf of the SRGC Seed team.
« Last Edit: September 08, 2022, 09:38:20 PM by Maggi Young »
Margaret Young in Aberdeen, North East Scotland Zone 7 -ish!

Editor: International Rock Gardener e-magazine

Maggi Young

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« Reply #1 on: September 21, 2020, 04:02:20 PM »

Even though we will not be running a main exchange in 2020-21, we have been thinking of the ways in which seed might be made available to members.
We are therefore seeking volunteers who might collect some seed to be available for the SRGC shows that we hope will be able to take place in spring 2021.  If you are a UK member, you could help us in the following way:
•   Collect seed of a few choice or unusual plants from your garden – no more than five types.
•   Check that these taxa were on the 2019-20 seed list; we will use the same numbers as last year.
•   E-mail seed@srgc.org.uk with a note of your 5 items and your postal address, so we can send you labels,
        glassine envelopes and instructions on packeting and returning seed.
•   Make up ten packets of each of your 5 items and send the seed back in to us for collation.

If around 70 members help with this, we can have the normal volume of seed available for the shows in 2021. If we reach this point, the seed collection will then be closed.  Neil and Sheila McNulty have offered to manage this process on our behalf; many thanks to them.  We realise that if it is not possible to hold the shows, the seed may never be used, and we may have wasted effort, but we think it worthwhile trying.

Ian & Carole Bainbridge on behalf of the SRGC Seed team.
Ian & Carole Bainbridge, SRGC , Luckie Harg’s, Anwoth, Gatehouse of Fleet, Dumfries and Galloway, DG7 2EF.
Margaret Young in Aberdeen, North East Scotland Zone 7 -ish!

Editor: International Rock Gardener e-magazine

Maggi Young

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    • International Rock Gardener e-magazine
« Reply #2 on: October 08, 2021, 03:09:01 PM »

 SRGC 75th Seed Exchange 2021/2022

We are very pleased to announce that over the coming winter we hope to be able to operate a near-normal 75th seed exchange for members. This will be in real contrast to the 74th, very limited, exchange, but of course it remains subject to Covid and legal restrictions which might apply over the seed exchange period.

We have been concerned that Seed Donations this coming autumn would be limited by new phytosanitary regulations, but we now understand these will not be implemented by the UK government until 2022, and so donations from outside the UK will not require phytosanitary certificates this autumn. Please do read the detailed text on seed donations below before sending seed to the exchange. Covid restrictions in the UK meant that it would have been impossible to run a normal seed exchange in 2020/21, as the seed reception, packeting and distribution processes all require teams of people to work together to complete each stage of the exchange. We hope that Covid regulations will not affect the forthcoming exchange, but we’re sure you will all recognise that we cannot predict what the circumstances will be over the coming winter.

Parts of the seed distribution will be affected by the new EU Seed Regulations, which will require phytosanitary certification for seed entering the EU from the UK. We are exploring the implications of this with the UK and Scottish authorities, and hope to be able to offer seed to EU members, including possibly Northern Ireland. We will post further information here as soon as it is available.  If there are members in EU states who might be willing to receive a bulk order of seed to despatch to other members in their country/EU, we would be pleased to hear from you (email us at: seed@srgc.org.uk).

Overseas members who do not live in the EU (apart from Japan) are unaffected by these changes; we will send seed in accordance with your country’s regulations, as advised by you.

Seed Donations (Autumn 2021)
Please send fresh clean seed as early as possible (no later than 31st October) to:

Ian and Carole Bainbridge
Luckie Harg’s,
Anwoth Road,
Gatehouse of Fleet,
Castle Douglas

Late seed can be accepted if a list has been received by post or email by 31st October. The seed list will be compiled on 1st November, so late seed may not make the exchange. There are more details of the Seed Exchange in our Dryas Newsletter (July 2021) issued to all of our members.
The seed exchange is open for donation of seeds until October 31st. Seed ordering will be open from first thing (GMT) on 1st December 2021 until midnight (GMT) on 17 January 2022.
Margaret Young in Aberdeen, North East Scotland Zone 7 -ish!

Editor: International Rock Gardener e-magazine


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