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Author Topic: Moods and Walks- Ponderings and Meanderings in Alberta  (Read 24814 times)


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Re: Moods and Walks- Ponderings and Meanderings in Alberta
« Reply #120 on: February 12, 2021, 07:14:26 PM »
Trond-- yes, in film times, I took far fewer photos! I probably take more in a month now than I used to take in a year- -maybe several years!..lol

Robert-- you might have already seen my post in Foliage etc Now-- we've had a week or so with nights from -30 to -40, days -20 to -27C, so real winter!  With all the moderate weather we had, I was able to get further ahead on wood than I have been in any other year! I have also been cutting wood on days off as usual, during the cold weather-- there were some modest sized dead trees-standing or fallen, on the acreage that I was deliberately saving all winter for either very cold days when I don't want to have to go far out in the bush, or in spring when my paths melt; most of these were spruce, which I use only when it is cold- mostly -20C or colder. So I was able to get out for moderate amounts of time -- 1.5 to 2 hrs, and get enough wood cut for a day or two, between the stuff I left on the acreage, and some pieces I had stockpiled over the months-- I try to bring back more logs from the woods on the farm than what I will cut in a given day, so I end up with some extra. I still have a fair bit left, and still quite a bit fully cut as well. I'm anticipating being able to stop for the season earlier than usual, so when my paths start to turn to mud and water, I won't have to go out onto the farm anymore!


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Re: Moods and Walks- Ponderings and Meanderings in Alberta
« Reply #121 on: March 14, 2021, 06:21:47 PM »
Some recent views-- after our February cold spell ( some nights below -30C to near -40C/F and days as low as -27C) we have been mostly back to moderate to mild temps, a few minor snowfalls. Not super warm for the season, but fewer cold days /nights between. Snow was never heavy this year, looks like it will be one of the easiest years I've seen for getting the driveway melted and dry (usually weeks of melt, water, ice, mud a the melt progresses from higher/summier parts through shade and lower sections).


Still lots of snow in places where it settles more deeply, dry for a long time already in those sections where snow never lasts. Overall, there has been snow in some spots since mid Oct. My wood gathering in the bush is ahead, I might already have enough hauled back tot he acreage for the rest of the season, if not there are still some things close by I can get. The longer paths onto the farm are not great anymore, with sections turning to mud/water, other parts already bare-- not great for pulling a sled (such as you see in the last photo-outside and in those woods to the right is where I've been gathering wood, more bare areas in there than not!)






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Re: Moods and Walks- Ponderings and Meanderings in Alberta
« Reply #122 on: March 16, 2021, 07:55:00 AM »
I have always loved the spring when the snow starts receding! Here at the coast it rarely happens as the snow that falls one day usually melts the next. This year the snow lasted for more than a month but it wasn't more than 10cm so when we went to our cabin for a week all the snow at home was gone when we came back. Have to go to the cabin again to see the snow melting ;D
Trond Hoy, gardening on the rainy west coast of Norway.


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Re: Moods and Walks- Ponderings and Meanderings in Alberta
« Reply #123 on: March 31, 2021, 10:27:46 PM »
I have always loved the spring when the snow starts receding! Here at the coast it rarely happens as the snow that falls one day usually melts the next. This year the snow lasted for more than a month but it wasn't more than 10cm so when we went to our cabin for a week all the snow at home was gone when we came back. Have to go to the cabin again to see the snow melting ;D

It's a mixed pattern here, as some spots have had snow since mid-October and others (sometimes only  a few metres apart) have been bare most of the winter. Of course the places that last longest are on the north side of woods, low areas and open 'smooth'  places -- and where it is piled from shovelling! Now some places are very dry, others soggy, and some have snow that will still be there for weeks- not counting any new snow that falls, as it can for a long time yet. The water world season was not that exciting this year-- still standing water in some fields etc, but the amounts were not great this year and it does not take long to soak in.


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Re: Moods and Walks- Ponderings and Meanderings in Alberta
« Reply #124 on: March 31, 2021, 10:36:35 PM »
A few shots from yesterday afternoon on the acreage as I gathered dry branches for fire starting. We had a few days with some snow, very strong winds, and some seasonally lowish temperatures ( a couple of days near or below freezing, with a couple of nights to -15C or so) warming again now, yesterday was between, but no major wind, and mostly sunny.

1,2 Poplars and spruce mostly



3,4 some willows -- the twisty, gnarly stuff- showing what our native willows do with some age and protection (many are in grazed/heavily browsed places and don't get large, and/or are occasionally cleared to improve grazing) none are large trees, but if they have a bit of something to sprawl against - each other, poplars, spruce) they can get to 20-30 feet tall at a guess, with the thickest trunks  maybe 6-8 inches diameter. Often these larger trunks fall partly or completely, new stems may come out of them, or they can die completely with new stems coming from the roots. These bigger ones tend to be a tangle of live and dead branches and trunks-- lots of good firewood/starters in there!


5 spruce and clouds



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Re: Moods and Walks- Ponderings and Meanderings in Alberta
« Reply #125 on: April 11, 2021, 08:01:19 PM »
While many folks are dreaming of spring weather that's more like summer, I enjoy the real boreal spring- wind, the return of dramatic clouds (don't get them in winter), warm sunny pockets separated by chilly shadows and icy breezes! Yesterday was just that! Lots of sky drama, bluster, occasional drifting flakes, thunderstorms elsewhere in the province, but not here, some graupel ..





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Re: Moods and Walks- Ponderings and Meanderings in Alberta
« Reply #126 on: April 12, 2021, 09:44:40 AM »
While many folks are dreaming of spring weather that's more like summer, I enjoy the real boreal spring- wind, the return of dramatic clouds (don't get them in winter), warm sunny pockets separated by chilly shadows and icy breezes! Yesterday was just that! Lots of sky drama, bluster, occasional drifting flakes, thunderstorms elsewhere in the province, but not here, some graupel ..

We have had just that kind of weather all April! Snowstorms and hailstorms included. So now I am longing for warmer weather!
Trond Hoy, gardening on the rainy west coast of Norway.


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Re: Moods and Walks- Ponderings and Meanderings in Alberta
« Reply #127 on: April 25, 2021, 07:22:24 PM »
We have had just that kind of weather all April! Snowstorms and hailstorms included. So now I am longing for warmer weather!

ours has been all mixed together-- days up to 19C, nights to -10-often one after the other, with some days barely above freezing, and snow several times (enough to shovel in places)- quite normal, just seems later because March was dry. Snow forecast again today, but none so far..


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Re: Moods and Walks- Ponderings and Meanderings in Alberta
« Reply #128 on: May 22, 2021, 07:27:18 PM »
My excitement for the week- heck for the year! I hadn't seen a Calypso bulbosa on the farm for a number of years- I'd found one when I moved back, but it disappeared some time ago- I'd hunted for other patches unsuccessfully over the years, but hadn't looked in a few years. They tend to grow here in rather unstable environments- open mixed woods, mesic/moist, and there are spruce growing in and shading more, poplars and birch falling, cattle doing their thing. The other day I was out for a short walk on the farm, and as I was returning, thought I should look around in some suitable habitat- tricky to find them as they are only a few inches tall when they first begin flowering, and blend well with surrounding leaves etc, unless you get a glimpse of that hot pink!
So, I was surprised and thrilled to find this plant with one flower and couple more buds-- no more than 30 metres from the gate between the acreage and the farm!
Notice the bee tucked in on the last 2 pics-- didn't see it until I looked at the images on the computer.. I was wondering about the flowers being so downward oriented, (though the brightest pink faces up) -guess it doesn't stop the bees finding it!





Maggi Young

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Re: Moods and Walks- Ponderings and Meanderings in Alberta
« Reply #129 on: May 22, 2021, 07:48:13 PM »
Cohan, that find would have  made  my  year  as  well!  Just the  most  gorgeous  little  orchid!
Margaret Young in Aberdeen, North East Scotland Zone 7 -ish!

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Re: Moods and Walks- Ponderings and Meanderings in Alberta
« Reply #130 on: June 01, 2021, 08:17:25 AM »
This is a very nice find! I have never seen it in flower as it doesn't grow in Norway. People are always looking for it in the eastern part of the country as it is common several places in Sweden and Finland, just across the border.
Trond Hoy, gardening on the rainy west coast of Norway.


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Re: Moods and Walks- Ponderings and Meanderings in Alberta
« Reply #131 on: June 07, 2021, 07:08:52 PM »
Cohan, that find would have  made  my  year  as  well!  Just the  most  gorgeous  little  orchid!

Yes, I was especially happy after not seeing it for years :)


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Re: Moods and Walks- Ponderings and Meanderings in Alberta
« Reply #132 on: June 07, 2021, 07:09:51 PM »
This is a very nice find! I have never seen it in flower as it doesn't grow in Norway. People are always looking for it in the eastern part of the country as it is common several places in Sweden and Finland, just across the border.

There are some cacti like that in southern parts of B.C. and maybe Alberta-- well known across the border in U.S. not confirmed in Canada


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Re: Moods and Walks- Ponderings and Meanderings in Alberta
« Reply #133 on: July 20, 2021, 09:35:52 PM »
Air quality advisories in 7 provinces, 1 territory in Canada due to wildfire smoke from various places (in Alberta, we are getting it from west, east and south, as well as some in province). It has varied day to day here, though quite thick most recent days. Some fine drizzle this morning may have cleared the air a little, temporarily, still cloudy.
These photos are from the car pics to/from work in Rocky Mountain House several days, different times; I like the moody  landscapes, but wonder how the animals in the field feel about breathing it day and night? Obviously not good for those with respiratory issues! Noticed when leaving work the other day that my mask helped keep the smoke out!( still using at work, and when I shop etc- otherwise there are not people around when I'm at home etc!)






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Re: Moods and Walks- Ponderings and Meanderings in Alberta
« Reply #134 on: July 23, 2021, 05:57:06 PM »

So far this season the synoptic weather pattern has been predominantly out of the SW and S. The major wildfires have been down wind from our home in Sacramento. For a number of years we have endured weeks of dense smoke during the summer and autumn months. The xenobiotic compounds in the smoke had a major impact on a number of plant species in our garden. I hope that we can remain smoke free this summer and autumn. The continuing record heat is having its impact on our garden. The record average high temperature for July might be broken this year. Hopefully the smoke will soon clear in your region and the plants in your garden will be unscathed by the smoke.
Robert Barnard
Sacramento & Placerville, Northern California, U.S.A.
All text and photos © Robert Barnard

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