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Author Topic: Moods and Walks- Ponderings and Meanderings in Alberta  (Read 24798 times)


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Re: Moods and Walks- Ponderings and Meanderings in Alberta
« Reply #135 on: July 29, 2021, 07:57:59 PM »
Thanks, Robert-- the heaviest smoke was mostly a few days, so far, but it has been around at a lower density, and /or mostly higher up- so lots of visible haze/orange sun, but not the smoke smell at ground level. We are headed into another hot spell, but doesn't look like we will be near any records this time. Def more warm days by our standards since early July than usual, and drier, though not like many areas. Crops still looking good.


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Re: Moods and Walks- Ponderings and Meanderings in Alberta
« Reply #136 on: July 30, 2021, 07:49:13 PM »

In our region, the synoptic pattern has been out of the SE to SW all of July. This has kept the smoke out of our area; however the other day it was very smoky. This beats 6 to 8 weeks, or more, of day-after-day dense smoke that has been the pattern most summers and autumn for the past few years.

Robert Barnard
Sacramento & Placerville, Northern California, U.S.A.
All text and photos © Robert Barnard

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Re: Moods and Walks- Ponderings and Meanderings in Alberta
« Reply #137 on: August 07, 2021, 03:47:06 PM »
The smoke started later this year, since spring has more moisture than some years for parts of B.C. and Alberta.. since early July though, it has been pretty steady, with some days of 'not too much smoke' many days with mostly high smoke, and some days with quite a bit at ground level- but never really gone. It seems it has interfered with rain, as they say smoke particles cause droplets to form very small, which then rise, rather than fall-- so many forecasts of rain that did not happen! Still not super dry in my area, all green, yet, but hoping for real rain soon... this week had lots of rain forecast, then they took it all away...lol


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Re: Moods and Walks- Ponderings and Meanderings in Alberta
« Reply #138 on: August 20, 2021, 05:40:03 PM »
It's funny how it always seems that whatever is happening with the weather is going to go on happening! We had a relatively wet (in a good way) spring and early summer, then late June it turned around and we had an unusually (record breaking?) long hot spell (not as extreme as many places), and the wildfire smoke seemingly endlessly. Even after the real heat ended, we were trending a little above average, and below average rainfall (again, not so dry as some other areas, even in Alberta).
So, looking back on pictures from Summer Solstice (I never got the poem and extra pics posted, at the time, had to get them done now, as I have another seasonal observance to get to!)- it seemed like that green, moist time was sooo long ago! Well, in recent days we've had another turn around- a few decent rains scattered over a few days, then yesterday off an on rain with some heavy periods, so things are nice and wet this morning! More chances of rain this week, days 12-21C nights 4-8 (we had 0-2 the other night), averages 21/7.
Anyway, here are a few pics from June, as well as a poem, link to a blog post for more pics, and last year's Solstice post for more thoughts on the subject..

Fecund hopeful midsummer days, as
Saule reaches her Northern Journey's end.
Twilight lingers late,
to a chorus of insects, frogs, and birds
working hard through long days and warm nights.
Thunderstorms gather, wander by, or linger,
rumbling, shaking, drenching
sun soaked soil or chilly nights.
A verdant flood covers meadow and wood
painted with drifts of flowers,
humming with a million wings,
alive with crawling, running, chewing, mating
egg-laying, young rearing, grazing, browsing, hunting.
All the stories, all the struggles,
all the business of life-
into a few months of warmth and food.
Glorious, riotous, with just a touch of-
Hurry, hurry, only so many warm days before
Sun turns to head South, again,
and nights once more fall long, and cold.

Last year's:

1- Allium with Geum coccineum


2- Aquilegia ex A ecalcarata seed-- clearly not that species, but a lovely hybrid! Very deep, rich colour

3- same seed batch but this one looks like Aquilegia /Semiaquilegia ecalcarata- much smaller plant, and  of course, no spurs


4- Oxytropis campestris in the garden ex B.C. seed



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Re: Moods and Walks- Ponderings and Meanderings in Alberta
« Reply #139 on: December 27, 2021, 08:14:25 PM »
Well, I am well behind on this, and may try to get some missed summer content added later, but for the moment, we dive straight into winter! After a mostly mild autumn, with little to no early snow, nothing lasting until mid-November ( and then very patchy, unlike some recent years) and generally mild temps until early December. Unusual late rains and melting of occasional snow led to some icey times.
We then entered a spell of mostly below average temperatures, with only a few scattered days at or above average.  This morning we reached our coldest so far this year -39C(far from record breaking, we could have been below -40 in November, but had barely had -20C) with a forecast high today of -30 plus a  light wind, which quickly makes it feel much colder!
Snow has been frequent, though not heavy, so we may be around average coverage for this time- around a foot, more in low areas, less in those spots under trees  etc where cover is always light
I'm heading out to do some wood cutting, but won't stay out long, and should hopefully mostly be out of the wind. Pics from the trip to work yesterday, Dec 26, when it was -32 on the road... Between Condor and Rocky Mountain House, Alberta, Canada





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Re: Moods and Walks- Ponderings and Meanderings in Alberta
« Reply #140 on: December 28, 2021, 08:03:30 PM »

I enjoyed the climatic report from your region. It is all very interesting.
Robert Barnard
Sacramento & Placerville, Northern California, U.S.A.
All text and photos © Robert Barnard

To forget how to dig the earth and tend the soil is to forget ourselves.

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Re: Moods and Walks- Ponderings and Meanderings in Alberta
« Reply #141 on: January 04, 2022, 07:10:59 PM »
Thanks, Robert-- always interesting to know what is going on in other places! WE had a warm-up for a couple of days, then back to cold-- days in the -20sC this week again, with some nights below -30 to near -40. Looks like next Sunday we will get a more significant, lasting warm-up-- we are used to cold weather, but here near the foothills, we expect ups and downs, not ever staying either up or down...lol mostly below average to well below since early Dec is a long spell for us...
I'm looking forward to the warmer weather to get ahead on wood cutting...lol

On the way to work, December 31

« Last Edit: January 04, 2022, 08:11:37 PM by cohan »


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Re: Moods and Walks- Ponderings and Meanderings in Alberta
« Reply #142 on: February 10, 2022, 08:11:16 PM »
After  a cold Dec, Jan was mostly warm, and apart from several cold days last week, Feb is continuing above to well above avg up to 10C or more some days;  expecting a cool down next week, but only to something nearer average- a few degrees below freezing daytime.

I enjoy the sunset views over the winter-- I can see it across the neighbours' property-- in summer sunset is too late, and I have surrendered outdoors to mosquitoes by that hour, also, as it moves north, I can no longer see it-- it is blocked by woodland on the farm. Some of the whiteness of these views from the beginning of the month is already diminished, but the snow will not be completely gone anytime soon.
Other views at other times of day in the bush on the farm, where I am out cutting firewood (harvesting deadwood) on my days off, all winter!






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Re: Moods and Walks- Ponderings and Meanderings in Alberta
« Reply #143 on: February 12, 2022, 02:24:25 AM »

Fantastic photographs!  8)

I especially like the scene with the Rocky Mountains in the background.

Thank you for sharing the photogrpahs.

Stay warm, it looks cold.  :)
Robert Barnard
Sacramento & Placerville, Northern California, U.S.A.
All text and photos © Robert Barnard

To forget how to dig the earth and tend the soil is to forget ourselves.

Mohandas K. Gandhi


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