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Leena do you have nobilis native around where you live or are you to far north?
Here it is the same, and I keep my fingers crossed that all Hepaticas will survive. I have dry oak leaf protection over them and then there is about 40cm snow over them so I hope that is enough. The lowest here this winter has been -23, but it has been several week now temperatures below -10 (and mostly around -15C), and it seems like it will be the same all February. Beautiful sunny days though.Snow is good, but I kind of envy winters like Herman's when cold and snow last only a week or two, but of course cold may do more damage when plants are more advanced.
I only worry about the newly planted H. japonica Leena which don't have an established root system and of course all the pots which are above ground.But we can only hope for the best
Hepatica nobilis 'Czech Form' full open flower.Hepatica japonica 'Kouten' and 'Kibani'
Fingers crossed! I have also some Hepatica seedlings planted out only last autumn, mostly they are H.americana and H.acutiloba from your seeds, which I think should do ok, but this has been a cold winter.
Not yet fully opened but promising.
Very promising indeed, Carsten. Lovely red and white combination.Gunilla, only the tiny ones are my seedlings. I bought the other two last spring in Japan.