Hello everyone,
I got back. I did cleaning outside in my garden, inside in my room and in my computer with photos. I brought home 598 photos from which I put 363 photos on Photobucket. Have photos of about 80 species and I saw much more. Now it will be a very big problem... How will I show you everything and still not too much.
Here is first part of photos. I finally got everything I wanted to see. This was really a fantastic trip. Still if I wanted to see everything flower I should visit Tatra Mountains at least again in the end of July and August.
Tofieldia calyculata
Gymnadenia conopsea - (orchid) it grew almost everywhere in lower parts of the mountains.
Phyteuma orbiculare - isn't it beautiful plant? Also the colour on the photos is just the same like in the nature. That blue...
Pedicularis verticillata - half parasite. In Poland it grow only in Tatra Mountains.
Linum extraaxillare - It could have more intensive colour, but still it is a great species. I cannot tell that it was much of it. I maybe saw 40-50 plants, not more.
Arenaria ciliata
Some weird guy...
He looks suspicious.
Aster alpinus - I found exactly the same plant as I have in my book, on the same rock.
Leontopodium alpinum - My first one in nature and lonly one in that place. Much more were growing in a different place which I will show later.
Androsace chamejasme - still flowering, but much higher than two weeks ago.
Gentiana verna - this time all were beautifully opened. It was impossible not to look closer to each I found on my road.
Pinguicula alpina - also flowering much higher, these lower had already seeds.
Anemone narcissiflora - The most attractive of all Polish anemons.
Peak -> Ciemniak - my goal for the first day
All white from Dryas octopetala, extraordinary view.
Anthyllis alpestris - the alpine form is much more compact then the lowland one and that more attractive.
Ranunculus alpestrtis
Campanula alpina - sadly it is one year plant.
Lloydia serotina - finally, got a nice photo of it. It was so small and delicate flower that making photo of it wasn't easy.
Gentiana clusii - unfortunately, tourists liked it flowers so I found many sear on the road.
Hopefully, this nice clump was out of reach for typical tourist.
I think it is enough for today. If it isn't too much and I can give more with one post, only let me know and I will add more next time.