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Our first significant snow this morning (significant for us that is) although it is already rapidly melting.I love the gold of aconites with snow; (Attachment Link) Eranthis hyemalis ‘Winterzauber’ (Attachment Link) Eranthis hyemalis ‘Pauline’
Pretty! I love the soft color of ‘Pauline’! My E. hyemalis is still in buds, but E. pinnatifida in the garden has started to open. (Attachment Link)
They are really lovely Peppa. Those blue anthers and the deep bronzey foliage is very attractive. The leaves and the ruff of eranthis are as interesting as the flowers.When 'Dooze' first started it was an intense khaki-green, not really captured in my photo; (Attachment Link) and one seedling ex. 'Orange Glow' that I'm keeping my eye on, has a ruff with quite a golden glow to it. Again better in life than in my photo; (Attachment Link)
Lovely indeed. E. pinnatifida belongs to my absolute favourites. Seeing your photo makes me want to plant out mine, too. In a few years perhaps, when I have enough progeny.. Yours seem to thrive, how are they situated?
I’m posting here in anticip.....ation of everyone in the northern hemisphere’s Eranthis pics for 2021! I’m also wondering whether anyone has had much luck with E. pinnatifida from seed? Given my location (Tas, Aus) seed ex are really my only chance of sourcing. I imagine dry storage = death for these seeds, does this sound right? I have had some luck coaxing E. hyemalis out of dormancy after a good 9m of dry storage. Apples and oranges?
This is Eranthis hyemalis 'Clare Swales', some scent but not as strongly honey-fragrant as Pauline.