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Author Topic: Seeds wanted in these genera: Alophia Duthiastrum, Geosiris, Klattia, Witsenia  (Read 1095 times)


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In my garden, Iridaceae is the featured family.  I have all or the genera hardy in USDA zone 9 represented except these five.  I am hoping that someone might either help me with seed from their own garden or direct me to a purveyor who offers them.  I have tried  Silverhill, Lifestyle, Sunshine, Rare Palm, & Rareplants.de.
« Last Edit: March 10, 2022, 08:28:34 AM by MarcR »
Marc Rosenblum

Falls City, OR USA

I am in USDA zone 8b where temperatures almost never fall below 15F -9.4C.  Rainfall 50" 110 cm + but none  June-September.  We seldom get snow; but when it comes we get 30" overnight. Soil is sandy loam with a lot of humus. 
Oregon- where Dallas is NNW of Phoenix

Vinny 123

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I am pretty sure that the opportunity to obtain Witsenia and Klattia have disappeared unless you want to play the no phyto lottery. Likely the others too.

I have spent ages looking for seed of the SA species/genera and the only place that I found was the RSA domestic equivalent of EPay (I can't remember the name). One seller there offers it, along with masses of other rarely-offered seed. The seller appears nowhere else that I could find and the website requires a mobile 'phone contact before you can even join/register, which I do not have.

Aklophia is avaialble from at least one US seller - just Google.

Duthiastrum................. nothing that I can find.


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Thank You, Vinny.  I have a small lots permit so no Phyto is needed.  All I need is a Source.

Geosiris, Duthiastrum, and Witsenia have been offered in the past by Silverhill; but not Since Rod And Rachel Saunders were murdered. 
  I was not in my present location when it was last offered; and my interests were different at the time

The only vendor I am aware of who offers Alophia, is Almost Eden, who offer it as a plant.  It has been out of stock for more than 7 months.
« Last Edit: March 10, 2022, 08:34:29 AM by MarcR »
Marc Rosenblum

Falls City, OR USA

I am in USDA zone 8b where temperatures almost never fall below 15F -9.4C.  Rainfall 50" 110 cm + but none  June-September.  We seldom get snow; but when it comes we get 30" overnight. Soil is sandy loam with a lot of humus. 
Oregon- where Dallas is NNW of Phoenix

Vinny 123

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Alophia seed is listed as out of stock by B&T and Sunshine seeds, but appears to be listed as for sale here -


Rod and Rachel were fanatical and widely-travelled field botanists and seed collectors. I very strongly suspect that the current business will never have supplies to rival those during their time running and collecting for Silverhill.

The SA auction website is “bid or buy”. I have no idea at all about how reliable any vendor might be there, but some extraordinarily unusual native SA seeds do get offered by at least one vendor in particular, including SA woody irids within the past few months. Nivenia seeds are being offered today, by Seeds And All -  I have no idea if they will export. If you are inclined to take a chance buying from the website, Seeds And All in particular offer both buy now and auction options for most seeds and the auctions are generally a significantly better final price. Odd-balls, like Nivenia, usually did not sell in the few auctions that I have watched.

BEWARE – the listings usually give an order size but bids are usually per seed. In the case of Nivenia, the bid is currently 15ZAR but a minimum order is 6, so you are really bidding 90ZAR (£4.50 or 6US$) for 6 seeds.

Are all Geosiris spp. myco-heterotrophs, or just aphylla?
« Last Edit: March 10, 2022, 05:12:17 PM by Vinny 123 »


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Than You, Vinny!
Marc Rosenblum

Falls City, OR USA

I am in USDA zone 8b where temperatures almost never fall below 15F -9.4C.  Rainfall 50" 110 cm + but none  June-September.  We seldom get snow; but when it comes we get 30" overnight. Soil is sandy loam with a lot of humus. 
Oregon- where Dallas is NNW of Phoenix


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