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Author Topic: Will someone please suggest sources for hardy gesneriads for US buyers.  (Read 1259 times)


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I love the family and am an ex member of the American Gesneriad Society.
Indoor plants don't do well for me; because, I use wood heat.

I have found many vendors of Gesneriads but they sell mostly indoor plants.

When I moved from San Francisco to Oregon I couldn't find a local chapter.
Marc Rosenblum

Falls City, OR USA

I am in USDA zone 8b where temperatures almost never fall below 15F -9.4C.  Rainfall 50" 110 cm + but none  June-September.  We seldom get snow; but when it comes we get 30" overnight. Soil is sandy loam with a lot of humus. 
Oregon- where Dallas is NNW of Phoenix


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You could check out Far Reaches Farm and Rhododendron Species Botanical Garden, the former does mail order and has listed quite a few hardy Gesneriads in the past.


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You could try the Portland Nargs group. They still meet I believe. Maybe they have contacts that will help you.

Edge of Chiltern hills, 25 miles west of London, England

Rick R.

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Wrightman Alpines
Rick Rodich
just west of Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA
USDA zone 4, annual precipitation ~24in/61cm


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Thank you, Atisaema, Brian and Rick, for your helpful responses.

Marc Rosenblum

Falls City, OR USA

I am in USDA zone 8b where temperatures almost never fall below 15F -9.4C.  Rainfall 50" 110 cm + but none  June-September.  We seldom get snow; but when it comes we get 30" overnight. Soil is sandy loam with a lot of humus. 
Oregon- where Dallas is NNW of Phoenix


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