Well known Author and Forumist, Gail Harland, has had her latest book published by the Hardy Plant Society. This adds to an ever-growing list of titles from Gail - Not bad going for a woman who has a busy full-time job in another field!
This one is called Galanthus- A Guide to Snowdrops and Gail gives a charming message of thanks to SRGC forumists and HPS members who assisted her with answers to her snowdrop surveys in completing this book.
As can be seen from the contents page, Gail covers a lot of ground in this neat book - it is a expertly presented and a great buy for Snowdrop lovers. It is a pleasure to have this book and recommend it.
Published by the Hardy Plant Society (
www.hardy-plant.org.uk )
ISBN 978 - 0 - 1386 710 317
64 full colour pages.
Price will be £5.50 for HPS members and £7.50 for others.
![Latest Galanthus book from Gail Harland.](https://www.srgc.org.uk/forum/index.php?PHPSESSID=27d98ed8fa57e8ed9359340fb5ed0208&action=dlattach;topic=19199.0;attach=710980;image)
![Latest Galanthus book from Gail Harland.](https://www.srgc.org.uk/forum/index.php?PHPSESSID=27d98ed8fa57e8ed9359340fb5ed0208&action=dlattach;topic=19199.0;attach=710982;image)