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Claire, thanks for showing us your beautiful plants, .........
Even buckets are suitable.Some small Primula with Pinguicula longifolia var. longifolia
I hope to grow a lot different little beauties on these floating islands. The variation with a small rock (tuff, lava, brick or others) seems to be most promising .The maintenance is next to nothing.I would even like to have a try on the so called uncultivable species on some of my islands. Probably i would have to adjust my winterroutine a bit.Or even better, someone would like to try it in his garden or greenhouse with a hydroponic system. I would like to hear from it and of course put some brainpower into upturning problems if wanted.The browning of the old leafs turned up this spring while we had some late frost, new leafs came up a few days later. The complete rosette is only 2 cmtwo third of an inch.
Does anyone has access to the original description for Primula juliae or preferably an English translation? Most reports say it was found by Julia Młokosiewicz, the daughter of Ludwig Młokosiewicz for whom the peony is named. However I was reading through Graham Stuart Thomas' The Rock Garden and its Plants and he says it was named for Julie, the daughter of Albert Regel of St Petersburg (presumably Johann Albert von Regel). I was curious to know which was correct.