Véronoique, Arum creticum grows like mad in pots filled with compost from my own compost heap. Yet in my pots they never flowered, maybe because I didn´t know that the corms should be planted in a vertical position, according to Peter Boyce in
The Genus Arum. When I planted some overflow that way in the garden, I enjoyed inflorescences quite regularly. Recently I planted a surplus potful next to Arum dioscoridis, wondering whether they may produce hybrids. I kept Arum creticum in pots at first, fearing a lack of hardiness, but the FCC form I sent You did perfectly well these last winters.
As the soil in my garden is very heavy and often wet, I never feed arums. Your A. maculatum ´Bakovci´ is sprouting very early! I grow this variety in several places in the garden, but it bulks best in a sheltered spot, where growth starts earlier than in the more open positions.
I do not remember which else arums I sent You, maybe Arum italicum ´White Winter´, of which I´ve got a lot?
Arum italicum and maculatum are growing since more than 30 years in my garden, and new hybrids are popping up every now and then.