Lovely snowdrops everyone!
Winter is incredibly mild in Estonia this year. I don't remember having snowdrops so early.
Your snowdrops are looking good
, and so early. Winter has also here been mild, but here the earliest snowdrops are just poking through ground, and it will get cold again here before the real spring.
There is still some snow, but about half has now melted temporarily.
This is 'Bess' in a very early spot, but it seems to be an early snowdrop anyway.
´Golden Fleece´ is a snowdrop of superlatives: very beautiful, my earliest yellow one and extremely vigourous here. I started 2019 with one bulb and ended up with next to 40 this year.
'Golden Fleece' looks so beautiful! And how vigorous it is. I hope mine will also be vigorous in time.