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Author Topic: Do you know how hellebores are pollinated?  (Read 60 times)


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Do you know how hellebores are pollinated?
« on: January 18, 2025, 10:20:54 AM »
many years ago I found an English site that sold very small hellebores of various colors about a year old from sowing or a little less, and having a fairly large garden I bought several plants and now I have created three or four flower beds in areas where in summer they have the shade of three Liquidambar and in winter all the sun possible

I live in the province of Milan, therefore full Po Valley with a lot of
sultry heat in summer and quite cold and frost in winter, but they live great without problems and bloom every spring

over the years they have multiplied by hybridizing a lot, so that from the new hybridizations, carried out by insects, new shades of the original colors have been born

I would like to learn to pollinate some to obtain new shades of colors .. has anyone ever tried?

many thanks to whoever can give me information


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Re: Do you know how hellebores are pollinated?
« Reply #1 on: Today at 07:00:08 AM »
There are many hits on google on hand pollination of hellebores.

In my experience bees can deliver as good an outcome as hand pollination. Hellebore flowers are receptive to pollen soon after the flower begins to open, to discourage bees the flowers and self pollination can be emasculated. Pollen y transfer is best at the warmest time of the day, and I have made 2-3 pollen transfers to the flower. The pollinated flower can then be covered with a  muslin bag and if successful the ovaries will begin to swell. Parental selection is the key to achieving what you are aiming for with a cross. Spots tend to be a dominate gene when using spotted flowers.
If you are looking for double forms then HP of 2 double forms is the only guaranteed way to get doubles. Crossing an anemone form with a double will usually give a high % of double forms. HPing of 2 anemone forms will give doubles along with anemone and singles.
When hand pollinating it is about beating nature to the task.


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