This is also on the NWGN site.
This is what Little Prince of Oregon has to say about their acquisition:
“Little Prince of Oregon Nursery is honored that Ernie and Marietta deem us worthy to carry on the legacy of the Winter Jewels® Hellebores. We recognize that their diligent and patient work over many decades has created the most beautiful and desirable hellebore hybrids found anywhere in horticulture. With The O’Byrne’s continued guidance, we will carry on with the refinement and improvement of each variety, and hopefully over time even develop new varieties to add to the collection. We also plan to continue the annual tradition of a plant sale in the early Spring each year. Please follow our social media on Facebook or Instagram, and subscribe to our newsletter for details about the hellebore sale dates for 2025.”
If you are a garden center or wholesale grower interested in purchasing Winter Jewels® Hellebores, here is a link to Little Prince’s wholesale webpage: