Thank You, Ashley! The trouble is - itīs said to hail from Cyprus, but some claim that Scilla cilicica doesnīt exist there. By those, all similar plants are considered to be Scilla morrisii. Yet what I got as Scilla morrisii from Cyprus looks a different plant - smaller and with fewer flowers. ( 3 instead of 4-6)
Mine have almost gone over now Mariette, so it's too late this year to get good photos. However, checking my notes it seems I made an assumption that may be wrong.
The plants I thought resembled yours came from seed received in 2013 as
Scilla sp. RRW9628 from Syria, Jabal an Nusayriyah, NW of Masyaf. At some point I must have decided these looked like
S. cilicica but a Google search shows me that Rannveig & Richard Wallis exhibited
RRW9628 at an AGS show in 2007 as Scilla sp. nova whereas
according to IPNI S. cilicica had been described as far back as 1908. I don't know whether RRW9628 has now been identified or described. Perhaps someone else knows?
Unfortunately I don't have
S. morrisii for comparison but my plants also produce 5-6 flowers per stem and regularly set seed. I like them very much and must test them in the garden.
Meanwhile, the WFO Plant List includes
Othocallis morrisii var. veneris as one of the synonyms for
S. cilicica ...
I find these blue ones lovely but confusing (like the white ones

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