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a cuple of autumn species
Armin, you have mentioned what I consider to be the only fault of autumn flowering crocus.... they are not good at standing up! Some colchicums tend to flop a lot too.... it is very difficult to find a place to grow these delightful flowers where they can be seen well but can have some protection or support from the wind and rain.... has anyone got any clever ideas to help this problem?
By the way can you give me an advice on Cr. mathewi? I planted a single corm and in 4 years I had 8 flowering corms. I was very pleased, but last year not a single one flowered and the leaves was very small too. They are in the same place in my rock garden as before, only replanted once. What went wrong?
Two autumnflowering bulbs in the autumn sun.1. Crocus hadriaticus 'Crystal'2. Colchicum sanguicolle