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Has anyone else noted how the birds have come back into the garden today? This past weekend has been the RSPB annual garden bird count and others have also commented on how the birds just seemed to disappear. The count has now finished and the birds have all come back! I am also very happy to report a small flock of long tailed tits amongst them. Since the big Christmas time freeze all I have seen is a solitary blue tit
Birds are getting in the mood for making babies this spring. Last week I saw the progress of a magpie nest from a few sticks to half a nest. Today the dome is on. In my garden a pair of blue tits and great tits fighting over the same nest box. There are two to choose from.
Today some referred to a bird by a name I havent heard in years. He said "I had felts in the orchard for the first time this winter". He was talking about fieldfares. Do you have local names for birds? In Northern Ireland there arethrostle - song thrushgold spring - goldfinchgreen linnet - greenfinchwhin grey - linnet
I think your sparrows might be courting female/s. Is the noise loud and frantic?