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Tony what well grown plants which are nice and compact and you complaining that they are being drawn. Mine are always drawn I think I will have to move house to find a place with more sunlight.
Tony my chrysanthus sp always fall over I think these need to be kept particulalry lean and mean with very high light levels. Perhaps the recently started thread on supplementay lighting;topicseen#newmight offer a solution to the British climate
Quote from: ian mcenery on January 13, 2009, 11:06:41 PMTony what well grown plants which are nice and compact and you complaining that they are being drawn. Mine are always drawn I think I will have to move house to find a place with more sunlight.Ian,House prices in Australia should be falling because of the GFC cheersfermi
Reading the December 96 AGS bulletin I realise I have been spelling chrysanthus 'Ushak Orange' wrong for years I've been spelling it 'Uschak'. Doh!