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"Seeing the corm (typical cancellatus) I would more tend to new species than to hybrid. If hybrid between pallasii and kotschyanus would be possible (under greeat question marks) as they are placed not very far in new phylogenetic tree, then cancellatus is situated very far. Cancellatus is closer to biflorus than to kotschyanus. (see Petersen @ al.. Phylogeny of Crocus, Taxon 57: 2 - once more great thanks to Ian Young for information of article). Cancellatus is closer to biflorus than to kotschyanus. Greetings!!!Janis"
A bit further west we found pallasii ssp. dispathaceus, some of them had very dark flowers. Further east, near the Syrian border, we found what we believe must be pallasii ssp. turcicus.
Kees, your unknowen crocus is 'Crocus boissieri' Which I have never seen before. I wish a happy new year to all friends.
Janis, your heuffelianus are amazing. I had thought Dark Wonder and Darkeyes were the same plant? Had thought there was a typo or mix up in names.On the old forum Dark Wonder Tatra Shades and Uklin Strain yours also? Picture taken last spring.
Do you have any information about Crocus boissieri, such as a description or its distribution? (I can't find boissieri in the Flora of Turkey). By the way, we also found Colchicum boissieri at Findikpinar.Kees Jan
Janis,you write, the second Cr.heuffelianus is a hybrid.With what for a form or sp.?I have the same or very similar form from this Crocus,growing since many years by me.