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Only just found this thread. We have bird feed out all year - nuts and fat balls. Seeing the thread made me become quite nerdish by deciding to count up how many species had been seen in the garden (as opposed to those flying over such as swallows, ravens,red kites etc) and the list came to 35. Not bad really. The most exotic was a cockatiel that hung around for a few days. Never did find who had lost it.
I opened my bed room window this morning to see what was feeding and could see a brown blob moving on the snow. Went to get my glasses only to see a rat. I rushed down stairs to get a metal rod, opened the door and slowly moved towards it. It heard me and made a dash for it hole and I was in the middle. It leaped several feet from the raised bed to trough and disappeared down the back. AAAAGGGGGHHHHH