To me (and most people I know) the Stanhopea smells of Chocolate. I've only flowered it twice, when I had a glasshouse, and you walked in and this strong smell of chocolate hit you. It was mouthwatering!! Not quite sure I'd describe it as Spicey Rose?
To all who've posted the pics.... Thanks. The Ophrys in particular are a real pleasure. They're something I want to grow one day if I can ever get them here in Aus. I love the terrestrial orchids and grow a number of the Aussie ones plus others when I can find them. The Ophrys are one of those on my "need" list (as opposed to my "want" list.... it's all about priority!
) I was chuffed to finally see one in person flowering at Otto's when I was down there in September. SUCH a cutie!!