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I'm going to divert this thread slightly. Just now I heard a BBC Radio1 DJ saying to words that seem very wrong to me. It's regarding texting/SMSHe said "I've just been reading the texts (he said tex-is). This person texted (he said text-tid) to say ..."I say texts and texted without saying the -ed. What do you say?
Quote from: mark smyth on January 18, 2009, 05:54:37 PMI'm going to divert this thread slightly. Just now I heard a BBC Radio1 DJ saying to words that seem very wrong to me. It's regarding texting/SMSHe said "I've just been reading the texts (he said tex-is). This person texted (he said text-tid) to say ..."I say texts and texted without saying the -ed. What do you say?"I say banana, you say bananna, I say tomaato you say tomarto"
I know that it is not meant in arrogance but I could not resist.Göte