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Simon,I'm not sure - but it looks like a form of T. orphanidea to me.Any other suggestions?
For SimonPicture of Tulipa Red Lighthouse - it is fostreriana hybrid raised by meand another clone of T. berkariense - Little IlzeAbout berkariense - it is growable outside but there is one problem - it makes very long (up to 37 cm) side growing stolones. So now I'm growing it only in pots or box. Both clones (Little Ilze and Morning Star) were collected Kara-Tau mountains, Ber-kara gorge in 1984 or a pair years before. In nature it grows in shaded spots, mostly in shrubs, makes small round bulbs but blooms even bulbs 10 mm in diameter. Never had larger than 15 mm in diameter.Janis