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Hans- the T.clusiana are great so much variation between the 3 types- do you collect seed from them?Luc- a lovely trio. T.vvdenskyi always wins for me though Armin- sorry I have another one for you- growing from a patch of Ornithogalum. I am sure it is a Tulipa humilis- but which one?
Hans,somewhere (RHS?) I read the main difference is the original found location and name registration. T.bakeri was first and therefore still widely used. You might be right to distinguish between the two species. Do you have a source?
Dear Luit, what I wanted to ask you. If you come across to an exhibitor, who displays 'Temple of Beauty' and its sports, I would kindly ask you to clarify the difference bitween 'Blushing Beauty' and 'Blushing Lady'. I have been growing both of them for many years, but still cannot find out the difference between them. The other similar-coloured variety is 'Long Lady', but here I can see the difference. 'Long Lady' blooms paler and later on becomes darker comparing to 'Blushing Beauty'. I grow 'Blushing Beauty' from 80s, but 'Blushing Lady' I obtained in late 90s from 2 different origins USA and Moscow. I even stared to think that my 'Blushing Lady' isn't true to name.
Dear Janis,Thanks for sharing this wonderful shot. I wish I had a such greenhouse, which would be very convenient to isolate my tulips during flowering period from bees.I would be very pleased to see the photos of your greigii introductions 'Evening Fire' and 'Mountainns Glory' listed in your last catalogues; especially the shots where the flowers are in an open stage to obsreve the inside of the bloom and make a better idea about the flower shape (style of opening).Please, show some photos if or when available.