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Fermi,Who eats your labels all the time ? Thanks for your Tulip posts Fermi - they brighten up my day (quite dull and grey over here at the moment ) every morning !
As far as "T. albertii" is concerned I'll contact the supplier and see what he says! It is different to the T. vvedenskyii I'm growing, but not hugely. It maybe a hybrid if it was raised from seed, I suppose.cheersfermi
Fermi, do you have a website? Is Marcus' catalogue online or is it just a list? I, like Paul, have really enjoyed your Tulips - T. hageri is glorious inside and out but it does look tall
Fermi,I do already have a few species tulips, although most disappointed that this year my T. liniifolia didn't come back. The coolest little flowers and crinkly leaves. Nothing has appeared there at all unfortunately. I should have left them in their pot. I do like your hageri and albertii, but would have to go back and look further to see what other cool ones you have that I don't already.