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Arnis Seisums sent me 3 collected forms of Allium karataviense, all very different, two of which approach ssp. henrikii... sort of. It seems that karataviense is wildly variable... just look at these three. Here is the collection info, I'll see if in my notes I can correlate which collection belongs to which picture. Regrettably, the aforementioned super wet spring here 4 years ago, did these forms in. I'm particularly sorry to have lost the deep rosy-red one on short stems.1. S. Tajikistan, W part of Darvas m. range, nr. village Lol 2. Uzbekistan, Tschatkal range, vicinity 127 km from Taschkent to Kokand, AR7A 00-34 (or 37)3. Uzbekistan, C. part of Kurama range, valley against Angren town, SAVV 95-25
Thanks Janis,Excellent information. I'd like to see more and more collected forms become available in the future. Do you know the origins of 'Ivory Queen'? It's such a bright clean white, the foliage also very silvery and light color without any of the typical purple pigmentation.
Here are some photos of an Allium I grew from seed, took 7 years to flower, flowered in 2008 but didn't flower in 2009. It's a beauty to be sure. I lost the label for the plant (crows pull them out), but as best I could tell from the keys and looking at photos, it looked very similar to a photograph in Janis' Buried Treasures book of Allium elburzense. It appears that my plant is not elburzense, but perhaps closer to A. ellisii. The first 3 photos show the plant at peak flowering, the 4th photo shows the inflorescence at late anthesis.
I want to build a little rock garden / bulb bed with mostly bulbs (alliums) at a south faced place. Is it better to use bark mulch for the species with a rhizome? Because they need a summer humidity in the soil.
The first picture shows the plant that I grow as allium ellisii. It is seed-raised from the old PF2571 collection.The secound picture is an allium sp. close to allium ellisii that was raised from wild collected seed (KV100).Can someone confirm this ID ?