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Cohan I went to a talk on Eucalypts by a young guy who has done much work on the different species and has a wonderful collection down south of Adelaide. Eucalypts of South Australia by Dean Nicolle.ISBN 0-646-32743-7. Or contact Dean at 156 Pimpala Road, Morphett Vale South Australia 5162 for a copy as he was self publishing it. Around $20-30 Aust. It was then that I learnt about the different groups that Eucalypts are divided into. Most seem to regenerate from the trunk but then there are others which are killed outright. Some make great rounds like a mushroom - regenerating from the roots.
Cohan,You can buy "liquid smoke" here as well (I think that is the name), for the purpose of germinating Aussie native seeds that need smoke treatment.
(I admit I don't have the discipline, or interest, even, to do controlled experiments, which is what would be required to prove that smoke treatment is essential or beneficial. In Deno's opinion, this seems to include even involve quantifying the giberellin effect in the soil... much more than I have the tools to do. ) Is it true about the "sole" treatment? I don't know... but no one seemed to jump on it in later issues, so I assume it is accepted. An aside.... I dunno, I'd find it pretty hard to believe that aboriginal people - ...- had a large enough sphere of vision to worry about the natural succession of grasslands edges and meadows to forest, or were even measurably affected enough by it to change it.
South African Protaceae also need fire or at least smoke to trigger germination.
Gote,I don't know.... I can't think of many Australians that would stand 100'C without dying. It feels bad enough at 40'C to me, although I'm not that tough and Australian.