I sold a few Dactylorhiza a while ago on ebay and was contacted by a guy in Germany who bought one and wanted to know if I would exchange some for some Cypripediums. I agreed and duly sent my large packages of Dacs and true to his word he sent me a few Cyps with a promise to send the rest in a month's time. I waited and waited but the second package didn't arrive. I sent an email hoping that everything was ok but no reply. I tried another 2 emails thinking that emails do go astray and the others hadn't arrived. Still no reply. Again, in my ingenuous nature, I thought that perhaps there may be a computer problem and so sent a letter but alas no reply. In my trusting way I thought that possibly there might have been an illness or worse!!! and so I decide to Google his name to see if there was anything revealed. Imagine my surprise when I found on the WWWF site a mention of somebody with the same 'unusual' name had been caught smuggling 83 Goodyera oblongifolia from a national park. Am I now becoming a cynic and losing faith in my fellow man? I have bought and swapped with fellow forum members who have all been as trustworthy as the day is long but I may be a little more cautious in my dealing in future with others with a less well proven record.