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The hybrids I keep attempting to make are with E. tuolumnense whichis from California. It is unusual among North American west-coastspecies in that it forms offsets. Most of our species produce one bulbfrom one seed and do not offset at all.
Diane,I sow a lot of Erythronium seed, some from my plants and some from wild collected seed. I don't make hybrids deliberatelyThe top 2 pics are definitely revolutum hybrids. The yellow one appeared amongst a bunch of E. oreganum leucandrum seedlings. and the last is from hendersonii seed, unfortunately I don't know if it was my seed or if this is natural variation.
Ed, I have that feeling about the hendersonii as well, it just feels like a hybrid but I haven't seen the variation in the wild. I have some more seedlings which flowered for the first time and some of these had paler anthers, is that normal in wild populations or all my seedlings going to get mixed up? These had darker lilac petals.