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I don't think it minds summer rain. I've always found the only way to keep it happy in summer is lots of overhead watering...winter wet, however, might be fatal.
Gerd Stopp distributes this fine plant since several years and offers 2 different forms, Eyre Mts.1 and 2.Because the hot conditions in my garden it does not grow too good with me, but in my friend`s coolergarden they grow very well all the year without any protection.
While i don't have Davids expertise i tend to think at this stage it is a M. sps not named yet.
"It's almost certainly Myosotis glabrescens, a plant that Mike Thorsen and I are doing some work on at the moment. There's very little distributional information about this species. We saw it a couple of years ago on the Hector Mountains but there are older records from the Garvies and Eyre Mountains. It would be good to know where in the Eyres it occurs.
Quote from: David Lyttle on April 16, 2009, 12:32:44 PM.I'd be interested in knowing where it is on the Hectors --the snow has cleared and the forecast for tomorrow is good so i'm away up there first thing ---besides botanizing i have a pair of wayward sunglasses to locate beside a large flat looking ,(aren't they all!!!!), rock on one ridge, and a chain with padlock ,left behind a few weeks ago in a snow tussock on another range across the valley .I can tell you the above has done nothing to elevate the worries my wife has, about my solo trips into the 'hills' .......Cheers dave.