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Seed exchanges distribute many seeds which are not what's written on the packet,and sometimes you are disappointed , sometimes not, and in this case I can't say I am terribly disappointed but it does not look anything like the Penstemon buckleyi I've seen pictures of in books. The leaves are not thick and waxy, and the flowers seem too blue. Any Penstemon afficionado out there who can suggest a more appropriate name?
I got seeds for this plant many years ago, labelled as Silene asterias... and upon it blooming, it became obvious even to me that it wasn't. I would be very grateful to know what it is, finally. I have tried to compare it to Silene latifolia, and if it is true that S. latifolia is 40-80 cm, and that all parts of the plant are densely hairy, then it doesn't seem to fit... ? Thanks in advance for any info!It's a day-time bloomer, and perennial. It has a basal rosette of leaves that is ~ 5 cm tall, and flower stalks up to 20 cm tall (in better conditions; more compact in poorer soil and full sun). The leaves of the basal rosette are entire, lanceolate, and are a maximum of ~13 cm long and 3 cm wide. The upper and lower surfaces are hairless and smooth; there are only short stiff hairs (visible with magnification) along the leaf edges, and longer white hairs on the edges of the petiole. On the flower stalks, there are up to 3 pairs of sessile leaves that are reduced in size upwards. The stems are hairy. I don't think the flower stalks are branched, or if so, only rarely. The calyx is about 12-15 mm long, and prominently veined - the veins/nerves are purple in full sun, and less pronounced in less sun. And I can't think of anything else to add!
Could it be Silene zawadskii, Lori? Apart from both being Balkan, I can't think why it would be offered as S.asterias.