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John,That is a brilliant of a Roscoea. Is that a named form? I thought cautleyoides was yellow, which is why I ask. It is a very nice colour, and what a stonker of a clump!!
a few things open at the momentRamonda serbicaRamonda nathaliaeThalictrum orientale a delicate plantThalictrum tuberosum a quite robust thing about 18 inches tall with flowers an inch across.
4. also from Chile (Volcan Llaima) - Fragaria chilensis - hardy here!
Two of the traditional games in Ireland are hurling and football. Hurling is a very fast game played with a fist sized leather ball (sliotar) while football is, well, football - not soccer though, all players handle the football. To the point: those who play hurling often refer to football as a sport for those with poor eyesight - need a big ball - my photographs tonight are of the bigger plants in the garden, some trees and shrubs which are in flower now.Aesculus turbinata - grown from seedAmelanchier alnifolia (alnifolius?) - grown from seed and a very promising shrub, upright in growth with good sized flowersCornus 'Eddie's White Wonder'Cydonia oblongaPaddy
A few more along the same lines:Halesia caroliniana - grown from seedMagnolia 'Susan'Malus floribundaStaphylea pinnata - grown from seedPaddy
Quote from: Gerdk on May 20, 2009, 06:41:22 PM4. also from Chile (Volcan Llaima) - Fragaria chilensis - hardy here!"Chilensis" or "chiloensis"? Fragaria chiloensis is common all along the Pacfic coast from Chile to British Columbia, possibly even into Alaska. Named after the island of Chiloe in Chile.It's becoming a weed in my garden.
Cohan, Our 'football' is similar to rugby, I suppose.I really like the amelanchier. It flowered last year but only sparsely while this year it is simply covered in flower. It is, as you have described, upright in habit appearing as though it will remain columnar in habit. I don't mind if it goes to twenty feet, would suit me fine, good to see it grow to its natural habit. I must watch for the berries and try them out - and keep a few to grow on some more plants.Aesculus hippocast... (buckeye to you, horsechestnus to us!) makes a big tree here. I have an old tree in the garden about sixty feet high and in full flower now. I also grow some of the smaller verieties. Paddy