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Forgot to add on the pics of Salvia ringens and Stachys recta
Blooming in the grasslands now...1,2) Oxytropis sericea var. spicata 3) More Hedysarum boreale (I think), in the wild this time.4) "Buffalo beans" (their bloom time supposedly indicates when the bison are fat from spring grazing and ready to hunt... or maybe this was just a tale told to children ) - or golden beans, Thermopsis rhombifolia5, 6) Unknown oxytropis - another one to try to key out!7) Geum triflorum, starting to live up to its common name, prairie smoke.8, 9) Lithospermum ruderale - big mature plants, with rather different form than the younger plants in my yard.
Some more pictures from last weekend: Lilium bulbiferum Nectaroscordum siculum Rhaphiolepis umbellata Rhaphiolepis x delacourii Hemerocallis Daily Bread 1 Hemerocallis Daily BreadStewartia rostrata 1 Stewartia rostrata 2
and for Gerd:Collomia grandiflora- self sown in a border, but thinned out where needed