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Thats my kind of bilingual John !! You're right, it is a much better sign. I have a photo just like yours taken on the highway through Gros Morne. -Rob
The second is a mother grouse who was defending her young as I walked into their group.Rob
A second hatching of caterpillars on the nettles. From Antony's description these are definitely Peacock butterfly. There is a third lot on a different patch of nettles. I think they are also Peacock but will wait till they are a bit bigger to be sure.I am seeing an occasional Painted Lady, the Ringlets and Meadow Browns are appearing and I have seen two or three Red Admirals in the past few days.
Robin,Would you mind sending me a summary of what you found out (if you have time to do so and don't mind taking the time). Stuffed if I can get the darn things to sit still for long enough to photograph them. Short of a can of fly spray I doubt I can photograph most of the things I would like to.