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Carol is finalising the translation of a book; French - French/English - English/English!We are looking for an English term that relates to those few days in late spring when winter tries its last gasp.Here we call it the 'Gab o' May' and the direct French translation is 'Blackthorn Winter'.But we cann't figure out a general English term for this. I was born and brought up not too far from two other regular contributers to the forum and, though it was a long time ago, I don't remeber the weather going back on itself like this in Yorkshire. It is obviously recognised in France and I can still remember being snowed in one morning in June in Aberdeenshire.Does anyone else know what I am talking about and is there a generaly recognised name for this?
Not heard of 'backendish' but certainly 'backend' referring to the late autumn.
Ah, the Shaws of Loch Ness