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Zdenek, thanks a lot for showing us your floral gems.Attached are some pictures from Waiblingen, the Delosperma is a new introductionfrom the Drakensberge of Lesotho, made by J.Holzbecher and the Botanic Gardenof Brno, Czech Republic. Aubrieta Elsa Lancaster. Centaurea pestalozzae Delosperma spec. Sani Pass Edraianthus graminifolius white Genista cf. carinalis Helichrysum sessiloides Ornithogalum spec. Phlox Olga Verbascum x Letitia Viola stojanovii
Fabulous plants, all! I especially love the ranunculus, Magnar... breath-taking!Dianthus microlepsisAstragalus purshii var. lectulusPulsatilla turczaninovii - I've already shown it, but showing it again because the colour is so gorgeous!Pulsatilla aurea
[Lori, the Pulsatilla cannot be aurea. It is robust, similar as P. alpina ssp.apiifolia and very difficult to grow. This Pulsatilla could be P. albana var. lutea but I am not quite sure.
Super Ranunculus, Magnar. Robin, I think the plant you are asking about is Picea mariana 'Nana'.
Several pictures which I took in the second half of May:Aethionema subulataCentaurea achtaroviiDianthus alpinusEdraianthus serpyllifoliusEriogonum siskiyouenseEriogonum umbellatum var. polyanthumEriogonum umbellatum var. porteriOxalis 'Ione Hecker'Oxalis 'Ute'